Why You Need Flood Insurance Even If You Don’t Live in a Flood Plain

Some residents of Cincinnati, OH believe they don’t need flood insurance because they don’t live near the Ohio River or its tributaries. However, many people remain at risk because of climate change and outdated floodplain maps that the US federal government still needs to update. Advantage Insurance Network can advise you on why you may need a flood insurance policy.

You May be Financially Vulnerable to Floods

Government statistics indicate that more than 25% of National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) claims are filed by homeowners not in designated floodplains. That statistic should make you think twice. If you live in an area where your yard tends to flood during heavy rains, your basement could end up flooding, too. Flooding is a temporary condition that can cause thousands of dollars of damage and financially ruin homeowners.

Your home insurance only covers some types of water damage, notably that incurred by broken pipes or if a severe storm breaches your home and results in an incursion of water from the roofer or a broken window directly related to a storm. Flood insurance policies will also generally cover sewer backups directly associated with excessive rainstorms. Some homeowners’ policies cover sewer and sump pump backups for various reasons. Before buying additional insurance, read your policy or see if a rider can cover any flooding issues.

So What Do I Really Need?

The first thing to consider is your area’s elevation. If you see frequent standing water in your yard following excessive rain. If your neighbors’ basements also tend to flood after rain, take that as a warning sign. Look to the Advantage Insurance Network, which serves Cincinnati, OH, to provide you with sound recommendations for flood insurance coverage. Call our office today to get started on your policy.