When buying a new or previously-owned automobile from a car dealer, you will need to have auto insurance in place before the dealer will let you drive it off the lot. Most auto dealers will try their best to get you to buy auto insurance through their contacts. Everything that they add on to the purchase is more money in their pockets. They may get a commission, rebates, special incentives, or other things by placing new auto insurance through certain insurance underwriters and insurance agencies that they have an affiliation with. However, there are many reasons why it is not a good idea to get your auto insurance from the same place as you buy your car.
Talk with Your Agent For Best Results
One reason is that you add another middle-person in the transaction, which usually makes the same level of auto insurance coverage more expensive. Moreover, you may never get to talk with an insurance agent to get the personal, high-quality customer service that you deserve.
You can avoid these troubles by simply calling your agent at Advantage Insurance Network, serving Cincinnati, OH and the surrounding area, when you are getting a new car. In fact, you can call your agent when you are thinking about which car might be best to buy so that you can also compare the insurance premiums for the different choices.
More information is always helpful when making a major buying decision such as get a new vehicle. Different vehicle makes and model years have different insurance requirements. Knowing upfront what your monthly costs will be, makes you a better- informed consumer. Also, if the vehicle has some problems with insurance claims for a specific vehicle or model, your agent can inform you about these things.
Get a Quote While You Shop
So, as you are shopping for a new vehicle or a previously-owned one, just call your insurance agent at Advantage Insurance Network in Cincinnati, OH to get a quote. Everything can be handled quickly and easily so you are ready with auto insurance coverage when you want to drive your new vehicle off the lot.