Surprisingly unique things you didn’t know are covered in your home insurance policy

Home insurance is a complicated policy. Reading and understanding over 30 pages of your policy is not always easy, and that is why you may not catch everything–particularly coverages. Most insurance companies in Cincinnati, OH advise policyholders to focus more on their coverage, limits, deductibles and rates. If you want to know more about your home insurance policy, this post is for you. Here are the unique things you didn’t know about home insurance coverages.

Identity Theft

You could incur very high expenses trying to repair the damage that comes with a stolen identity. You also waste a lot of time and resources getting other things like your credit cards.  Some insurers in Cincinnati OH included identity theft coverage in your home insurance policy which can be helpful to people who are more vulnerable to identity theft.

Plants, Shrubs, Lawns and Outdoor Trees

If you are a landscaper or like planting and creating beautiful gardens in your home, simply call Advantage Insurance Network and add this coverage in your home insurance, as all landscaping elements are covered in home insurance.

Things Not at Your Home

Home insurance covers your personal belongings wherever you go. Whether you go on vacation and lose your valuables or your children lose their laptops at school, or someone broke into your partner’s car and stole their sports gear, home insurance can help replace them.

Food Loss

Sometimes you may have to throw away bad food when there is a power outage or your refrigerator breaks down. Home insurance can pay for the spoiled food caused by a power outage that wasn’t your fault. However, if you deliberately fail to turn on your fridge or pay the electricity bill, home insurance may not cover any losses as it does not cover intentional acts. You also won’t be compensated if your fridge spoiled food due to normal wear and tear.

Home insurance is an interesting policy that takes care of you, your family, your belongings and your home. For more information, policy discussions and other inquiries, feel free to contact Advantage Insurance Network today.

The Importance Of Keeping Your Vehicle Insured

In Cincinnati, OH, car insurance is required by law. Failure to purchase car insurance will result in loss of license, hefty fines, and even possible jail time. However, avoiding penalties of law isn’t the only reason why car insurance is essential. Car insurance protects you and your vehicle from costs and damages from accidents to natural disasters. Here are the top reasons to keep your vehicle insured.

Car Insurance Protects You Financially

There are many costs associated with owning a vehicle, especially when you are involved in an accident.  Car insurance protects you against any fees that might occur relating to an accident. It will protect you from coming out of pocket for medical bills, legal expenses, and vehicle repairs.

Protects You Against A Lawsuit

Even if you are at fault for an accident and caused significant damage to another driver or property, having auto insurance will help protect you against claims made against you, including legal defense.

Car Insurance Helps You Protect Yourself

While liability is a requirement when operating a vehicle, many drivers drive without it. Having your own auto insurance will help you cover repairs and medical bills if you are involved in an accident with someone who does not have insurance or the means to cover your claims.

Helps Protect Your Passengers

If you are involved in an accident, car insurance will protect your passengers if they are injured. In addition, some policies will cover hospital visits, surgeries, and other medical expenses.

Peace of Mind

 Having car insurance will give you peace of mind knowing your expenses will be covered in case of an accident.

For more information on the importance of car insurance, reach out to the Advantage Insurance Network in Cincinnati, OH.

4 Potential Liability Issues Ohio Restaurant Owners Should Be Aware Of

Advantage Insurance Network offers multiple types of coverage to Cincinnati, OH residents. We are an independent insurance agency. We believe that working with multiple carriers across the Midwest gives us an advantage over the competition. We sit down with each of our clients and help them assess their options. We provide flexible policies designed to meet the unique needs of our clients.

Potential Liability Issues Ohio Restaurant Owners Should Be Aware Of

Part of Cincinnati, OH’s thriving economy is the emergence of several bars and restaurants in the area. As the owner of a local bar or restaurant, this is an exciting time. However, it is important that you understand the risks associated with opening a bar or restaurant. Bar and restaurant insurance is an asset. You are protected if your property is damaged or your equipment is stolen. Here are a few ways that liability coverage protects your business.

Liquor Liability

As a bar owner, patrons come to your establishment to enjoy a few drinks and have a good time. However, you have to closely monitor the amount of alcohol you serve your customers. If your customers become intoxicated and injure someone or cause property damage, you will be held liable.

Unexpected Hazards

General liability coverage will protect your business if one of your customers is injured due to a slip and fall accident or falling out of a loose chair.

Flammable Accessories

While it is cool to have stylish accessories around the restaurant, you have to be careful. If one of the accessories accidentally catches on fire and hurts someone, you will be held liable.

Employee Injuries

Perhaps one of your employees is injured while performing tasks. Worker’s compensation will protect you from possible legal action.

Advantage Insurance Network Will Help You Protect Your Investment

Visit our website to learn more information about bar and restaurant insurance.

Why should a contractor in Ohio get contractors insurance?

For anyone that is looking for a great career path in the Cincinnati, OH area, becoming a contractor can be a great decision. Those that are contractors will find there is a lot of great work opportunities and plenty of chances to be successful. While you can have a great career as a contractor in this part of Ohio, you also need to make sure your business is properly covered. A contractor’s insurance plan offers several important forms of coverage. 

Coverage for Equipment

One of the most important reasons to have a contractor’s insurance plan is so you can receive coverage for your equipment. A contractor will need to purchase a lot of different tools and other equipment needed to complete their typical job. If they are ever a victim of theft, vandalism, or other forms of damage, the impact can be significant. With a contractor’s insurance plan, you will have the support needed to replace these assets.

Liability Protection

A contractor in Ohio should also get a contractor’s insurance plan to ensure you have liability insurance protection. A contractor will take on liability risks on a regular basis. If they make certain errors or are negligent in any way, they could be found liable for the related damages. This form of coverage can be mitigated with a proper insurance plan as it will include some liability insurance coverage. 

If you are in the Cincinnati, OH area and trying to build your contractor’s business, picking a proper insurance plan is important. If you are looking for a plan here, the Advantage Insurance Network can provide a lot of support. The team with Advantage Insurance Network can help you assess your different needs and options and give the guidance necessary to choose an ideal policy. 

Why Every Condo Owner Needs Condo Insurance

If you have a condo, you know what a financial investment it is. It’s important to protect that investment by having a condo insurance policy in place for as long as you own your home. If you need a condo policy, call us today at Advantage Insurance Network in Cincinnati, OH. 

Protection for Your Home

When you have condo insurance, it offers protection for your home against a number of scenarios that can badly damage or even destroy the condo. Without this coverage, you could expect to have to pay for all of the damage yourself from your own pocket. Condo insurance makes this unnecessary. It’s an important type of coverage for your home. 

Coverage for Your Possessions

Next to your home, you likely have put in the second-largest amount into all of your belongings. It can be easy to look around and think that it isn’t all worth much, but to replace it all would cost quite a lot. That’s why it’s so important to have condo insurance. It insures all of your possessions that are inside your condo in case of a disaster or other scenario that ruins them. Without this coverage, you would be starting again with nothing. 

Your Comfort

If the worst happens and your condo becomes significantly damaged, it may be uncomfortable to be in and uninhabitable. If this happens, your condo policy would pay for you to move in and live somewhere else during the repairs. It can even pay for your living expenses while you are waiting to get back to your home. This coverage is invaluable for keeping you comfortable and in a livable environment. 

Get Your Condo Policy

If you need condo insurance for your home, call us today at Advantage Insurance Network in Cincinnati, OH to talk to an agent about the policy you need. 

Why do people in Ohio need health insurance?

Residents in the Cincinnati, OH area will need to spend time thinking about their insurance needs. An important form of coverage that all people here should get is health insurance. There are several reasons that people in this area should have a quality health insurance plan in place at all times.

Receive Affordable Care

The main advantage of having a health insurance plan is so you can receive affordable care. The cost of going to a doctor, receiving medical prescriptions, and undergoing various procedures or care can be significant. If you do not have coverage, it could preclude you from receiving the care that you need to be healthy and thrive. With health insurance, you will know you have access to the affordable care that you need. 

Comply with Requirements

While health insurance is a good investment because it will help to ensure you have access to affordable care, it is also important to carry as it is required by law. Over the past few years, it has continued to be a requirement for all people to carry a full health insurance plan. If you do not have health insurance in place for you and your dependents, you could be penalized. Typically, you will need to offer evidence of coverage when filing your taxes. 

Having a proper health insurance plan in the Cincinnati, OH area is clearly very important. If you are in the market for a new plan, you may find that there are a lot of choices to make. While this can be confusing, the team with Advantage Insurance Network can make it much easier for you. The insurance professionals with Advantage Insurance Network understand the importance of this coverage and will give the personalized support you need to pick your next policy. 

How much flood insurance do I need if I live in a high risk flood area?

How much flood insurance do I need if I live in a high-risk flood area? 

While flood insurance is only required if your property is located in a high-risk flood area and has a mortgage, it’s essential that you get one even if both conditions don’t apply to you. No one is ever safe from floods, and home insurance doesn’t cover floods in Cincinnati, OH.  If your home is marked as high risk, Advantage Insurance Network recommends buying enough insurance to replace and rebuild your home in case of damage.

Minimum flood insurance required by mortgages

Mortgage companies generally require you to have a specific level of flood insurance to protect your investment. If floods completely destroy the house, and you decide to abandon the home and stop making payments, your mortgage lender will be left behind by a huge loss because they will not know what to do with the damaged property. You will be required to have insurance to cover the cost of property development or simply buy the maximum limit.

Flood insurance for properties in high-risk flood areas

Homeowners and landlords with residential and commercial properties in high-risk flood areas across Cincinnati, OH, can buy flood insurance to protect their investments. While there is no limit, it’s always prudent to have enough coverage to replace your possessions and rebuild your home. Don’t check the value of your home, as this changes frequently. Instead, calculate the cost to rebuild based on the quality of materials used, size of the home, and labor cost in your area. Next, come up with a list of your personal belongings in your home, such as furniture and clothes, and add the amount to the cost of rebuilding. You can use this figure to guide your flood insurance purchase.

Let us help you

Don’t forget to assess your risk levels frequently as it changes with time. If you need more help determining your flood insurance amount, our experts at Advantage Insurance Network can help you through the process. We’re just a call away.

What does a dwelling fire policy cover?

Fire insurance for a dwelling gives the policyholder the advantage of insurance coverage in the event of a fire. This insurance covers several liabilities and physical threats involved with a house fire. 

A fire or dwelling insurance policy affords the homeowner the flexibility options for coverage to guard their important assets. Some of this coverage protects against certain dangers such as fire explosions, fires caused by severe wind or lightning, and even vandals. A dwelling fire policy is dissimilar to regular homeowners insurance because only designated hazards are insured. 

An insurance policy for a dwelling can be written so it not only insures the property inside but also the entire structure.  

In past years, Ohio had a ratio of fatalities related to a fire that was 13.9 to one million. This is one of the highest fatality rates of more than half the states in the entire nation. The National Fire Protection Agency reports ninety-two percent of house fire deaths result from structural fires. 

The damage incurred to a home or other structure that has no sprinklers installed can reach astronomical numbers. Some areas might require additional fire insurance than what is offered in a regular homeowner’s insurance. This insurance would be required to cover items with a higher value than other possessions. You can contact an insurance agent in your area who will go over the policy best for you. This agent will also cover any coverage gaps or lapses that might affect your policy.    

If you live in the Cincinnati, OH area and are looking for dwelling insurance, contact an Advantage Insurance Network agent. Fire insurance in Ohio is not as difficult to obtain as you might have previously been led to believe. Call today, your family, home, loved ones, and valued possessions are worth every penny you spend to insure it. 

When should life insurance be reviewed?

Life insurance for most people is not something you spend a lot of time thinking about. It may be you have a policy as part of your benefits package or you may have a policy you purchased years ago that you pay every month or once a year. When changes happen in your life, changes may also need to happen in your life insurance. If you haven’t looked at your coverage in a while, it is time to make an appointment to talk to one of the experienced agents at Advantage Insurance Network in Cincinnati, OH. 

If you get your life insurance through your employer, you should check your life insurance immediately. Make yourself aware of not only the amount but what will happen if you leave your current employment. Will you be able to continue the policy yourself? What will it cost you to continue it? Exactly what are the terms of the policy? 

If you get married, you need to make changes to your life insurance policy. Not only will you change your beneficiary but you may want to reconsider the amount of life insurance you have. You should also take a good look at the coverage your future spouse has as well. Especially if you have purchased a home or plan to, it may require two incomes. Losing either one of them could lead to the loss of your home. 

When you have children, your liability rises considerably. You need to provide for them not only today but into the future. You may want to save for college or just guarantee they will be provided for in the event of your untimely death. 

In Cincinnati, OH contact Advantage Insurance Network for your life insurance needs. As an independent agency, we work for you and will search through many carriers to find the perfect policy for you.

Why do I need commercial insurance in Ohio?

The Cincinnati, OH area has continued to offer a lot of opportunities for people that want to own their own business. If you dream of being a business owner in this area of Ohio, you can be successful if you are dedicated. To ensure that your business is properly covered and protected you will need to make sure that you get a full commercial insurance policy. 

Commercial Insurance Protects Company

A reason that any business owner in Ohio will want to have commercial insurance for their company is that it can protect their business. If you are going to start a company, one of the best investments you can make is in quality commercial insurance due to the coverage it provides. With commercial insurance, you can receive protection for all assets owned by your business and commercial liability protection. Both of these forms of coverage can help ensure your organization’s solvency.

Insurance is Required by Stakeholders

Due to the benefits that it provides to a company, any investor, lender, or other stakeholders will want you to carry a full policy. If you decide to take out money to help grow your company, the investor or lender will want to know that their investment is protected. One way that they will do this is by requiring that you carry a commercial insurance policy at all times. 

For those that live in the Cincinnati, OH area, and want to have insurance calling the Advantage Insurance Network can be a great option. If you would like a new plan here, the Advantage Insurance Network can help you better assess your needs and understand your options. This guide will help you pick a new policy and ensure that you remain properly covered and protected at all times.