Six Ways to Prevent Motorcycle Theft

Motorcycle riders in Cincinnati need to remain wary of thieves. Criminals can steal these vehicles far more easily than cars; sometimes they just pick up a motorcycle and take it away in a truck. These tips can help prevent such crimes:

1. Park your motorcycle in a highly visible area, preferably with a surveillance camera nearby. Don’t place it in the shadow of a taller vehicle. If possible, choose different parking locations from time to time.

2. Connect the bike to a fixed object, such as a large tree. It’s best to accomplish this using a U-lock and chain. Don’t let your lock lay on the pavement; this enables thieves to break easily it.

3. Store your motorcycle in a garage whenever possible. Keep the door shut so criminals can’t see it. You may also use a cover to hide it and make theft a bit more time-consuming.

4. Put a unique, permanent marking on your bike. Take a photo of it with a camera or cellphone. This way, you can report the special marking to Cincinnati police when your bike goes missing.

5. If you have a heavy bike that’s difficult to pick up, consider installing a security alarm and an ignition lock. Thieves will find it much harder to start the engine.

6. Think about outfitting the bike with tracking equipment. Three out of four stolen bikes are never seen again. However, this technology significantly increases the odds police will be able to find your motorcycle before criminals sell it or disassemble it for parts.

Theft can’t always be prevented, so insurance is vital. Please contact the Advantage Insurance Network to review your existing coverage or sign up for affordable motorcycle insurance. You can reach our independent agency in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Why You Need to Prepare Your Home for a Disaster Slug

There are far too many people who believe a natural disaster will never impact the Cincinnati, OH area in such a way that it will disrupt or devastate their lives. As a result, they often don’t create an emergency disaster plan for their home or family. The fact is, you can never predict what will happen and being prepared is the only way to make sure you and your family will come through the situation safely.

Inability to contact help

Regardless of if you are facing a blizzard, flood or strong thunderstorm, being able to call for help in these situations is essential. It is a good idea to purchase communication equipment that will work during bad weather. There are a number of devices available and without them you may not be able to receive the help you need during the time of emergency.

Inability to rebuild your life

Another consequence you may face if you fail to plan for a disaster is the inability to rebuild your home and life. Things such as insurance will provide you the ability to rebuild your life if disaster strikes. Without proper coverage you will not be able to rebuild after a disaster. This is why it is essential to purchase quality insurance coverage.

Your home and your family need to be protected. If you fail to see to this protection you may not know where to begin after disaster strikes. While being prepared takes work, it will be well worth it in the long run.

If you want to ensure you and your home is protected, then be sure to find home insurance through Advantage Insurance Network. This will ensure you are protected and ready to weather the storm, regardless of what may come your way. 


Deer are Dangerous to Motorcyclists

There is an explosion of the number of deer in and around Cincinnati. Deer accidents with vehicles and motorcycles have increased. The deer crossing the roads at night are especially dangerous to motorcycle riders who are thrown from their bikes when hitting a deer.

Recent news reports from WLWT television, say that bow-hunting allowed for deer, has not reduced the amount of the deer sufficiently. Normal deer herds are good when there are about twenty deer per square mile. The deer population has grown in some areas to be over two hundred animals per square mile.

Government officials plan now to use sterilization methods to reduce the deer population. The sterilization is a three-year research project in the areas of Edgewood Grove, Mt. Storm, and Rawson Wood.

Safety Tips for Motorcycles:

  • Avoid riding on motorcycles in forested areas, especially in the early morning or evening when deer are more active.
  • Use extra care when driving during the months from October to January when it is deer mating season.
  • When driving in the mountains or rural areas, especially at night, drive a bit more slowly.
  • Be cautious when going around turns.
  • Use the high beam headlight as much as possible to look far down the road ahead.
  • Honk the horn for a long time when seeing deer in the road and brake without turning to let the deer jump out of the way.
  • Deer like to follow each other. One deer jumping into the road means more will follow.
  • Take the yellow warning signs of deer crossings very seriously. These are areas where many previous accidents occurred.

Hopefully, the deer sterilization program will reduce the deer population sufficiently to decrease the number of accidents.

Be sure to get good motorcycle insurance coverage from Advantage Insurance Network in Cincinnati.

Independent Insurance Agents at Forefront of American Freedom

As is true in most industries, insurance has companies that conduct business with little regard for the needs of the individual people and businesses in Cincinnati, OH. In effect, clients become mere numbers on an actuarial table that help the main headquarters, located somewhere else, pay its board members extravagant annual bonuses. Yes, it is unfair to the average person in Ohio. For this reason, and others, independent insurance agents remain at the forefront of salvaging American freedom.

Independence Means Freedom

Insurance provides policyholders with the resources to withstand life events that could otherwise prove crushing. Disasters that destroy homes, devastating road collisions and liability for workplace injuries are just a few ways that people can find themselves needing financial help to remain solvent and with a roof over their heads. The independent agents at Advantage Insurance Network help provide the level of coverage needed to survive such unexpected calamities.

Independent agents remain free to give a client an objective analysis of their particular situation. There is no product that the home office requires selling. Instead, people know that when they purchase an Advantage Insurance Network policy, it is what they need for family, home or business.

Moreover, independent agents offer real choices. They are not beholden to any particular brands. Clients receive a variety of options and quotes to choose from.

Stay Free by Dealing With Independent Insurance Agents in Ohio

In so many ways, Americans witness their freedoms eroded each day. Buying insurance, which is a virtual necessity, does not have to be one of those times. Just contact the independent agents at Advantage Insurance Network, serving Cincinnati, OH, for more information on options or use the easy online quote feature today.



Be Prepared With These 5 Tips When The Power Goes Out

You always hear about ways to be prepared for when the power goes out, but very few times are these preparation tips actually shared. Below you will find five tips that will help you if you lose power so that you can last for hours or even days.

Have Flashlights

When the power goes out, you aren’t going to be able to turn on lights. This is why it’s a good idea to have flashlights as well as backup batteries. Everyone in your home should be able to have their own flashlight so that they can safely move from room to room.

Have a Means of Heating up Water

Water needs to be heated up for purification, sanitation, and even doing laundry. Since you cannot use your electric stove, you may want to think about an outdoor rocket stove, a solar oven, or even a gas grill.

Stock the Pantry

Stock the pantry with items that don’t need to be heated. You want to choose high protein items that your entire family will enjoy. Jerky, Spam, protein shakes, peanut butter, granola bars, and other items are all good choices.

Freeze Water Bottles

Keep bottles of water frozen in your freezer at all times. If the power goes out, these can help to maintain the temperature for longer so that your food doesn’t spoil.

Purchase the Necessities

Various necessity should be purchased so that you always have them available – such as an emergency radio, a solar charger for your cell phone, and battery-powered fans.

At Advantage Insurance Network we are here to help you stay safe within your home in Cincinnati. Call now and one of our friendly agents can guide you through the process of purchasing the right policy, including getting quotes from some of the best insurance company that issue policies in Ohio.



How to Get Covered for a Hit & Run

When you live in Cincinnati, Ohio, traffic can be overwhelming. You want to make sure you have plenty of coverage against accidents, including hit and runs. Whether you hit someone or they hit you, it can leave you high and dry to deal with all of the repercussions alone.

A hit-and-run can cause damage to your vehicle and injuries to you as well as the passengers in your car. Instead of reaching into your pocket to pay for everything, it’s going to be much easier (and cheaper) to file a claim with your insurance company. You just need to make sure that you have plenty of coverage in place.

Hit-and-run coverage is going to come in the form of several forms of optional insurance that can be added to your policy. You choose the limits as well as the deductible.

Collision – this is the type of insurance that may be able to pay for all of your auto repairs, regardless of who was found to be at fault.

PIP – this is the type of insurance that will cover medical bills, lost wages, and even child care. It can provide coverage for you as well as all of your passengers.

Uninsured motorist – this is the type of insurance that is available in bodily injury and property damage. When someone isn’t insured, this coverage can ensure that all of the bills are still paid.

Medical bills – this is an additional form of coverage that can pay medical bills for you and your passengers so that it doesn’t become your personal financial responsibility.

At the Advantage Insurance Network, we are here to help you save money on auto insurance. Call today and learn how one of our independent insurance agents can save you money on hit-and-run coverage and much more.



What Insurance You Need For Your Home Based Business In Cincinnati, OH

Having a business in Cincinnati that is in your home requires specific types of insurance. While you likely have a homeowner’s insurance policy, this coverage is likely not going to extend to your business. This means it is important to know about the coverage that is available so that you can build the best possible policy.

Business property coverage: this is the kind of coverage that can protect against computer and merchandise loss, as well as any other property that is business related.

General liability coverage: liability is important because you may have clients visiting you at your home. This kind of coverage can provide protection against lawsuits, particularly claims of negligence, injuries, and more.

Employment practices liability coverage: this kind of coverage is needed when you start to hire employees. It can provide coverage in the event of facing allegations for wrongful termination, sexual harassment, and other issues.

Business interruption coverage: your business may be interrupted as a result of cover losses, such as fires or tornadoes. This coverage can provide business income throughout the interim so that you are not facing a complete financial loss.

Running a business out of your home is just like driving a business car around. Even though you have auto insurance, it is not necessarily going to provide full coverage because you are using it for business, not for pleasure. Your home is not being used solely for living – you are operating a business.

Call us at the Advantage Insurance Network today to learn what kind of business is needed for your home-based business, based upon what is unique to you as a homeowner and business owner. We will work to help you get the most affordable premiums and provide you with peace of mind knowing that you have sufficient coverage.



Winter Indoor Fun In Cincinnati, Ohio

When your kids are at home in the wintertime of Cincinnati, it’s important to know more about the indoor fun you can have. Knowing some of the activities that are fun can ensure no one gets bored and starts to complain. There are quite a few ways to have fun, even when cooped up indoors.

Create a Board Game

Forget about the same boring board games that the kids have been playing forever. Instead, let them create a new game to play – and they can borrow from some of the games you may already have.

Make Salt Dough

Whip up a batch of salt dough using salt, flour, water, and oil. It can be colored and formed so kids can create an array of statues, figurines, ornaments, and more. Most recipes even allow you to bake the goodies so they never have to go back into a baggie or can.

Write a Story

Let the kids run wild with their imaginations and write a story. Each kid can write their own or you can suggest that they collaborate on one. It can be a great way to keep them busy for hours, especially if you encourage them to illustrate the entire story as well. You may end up with a new holiday tradition at the end of this winter.

Have a Dance Party

Many times, kids get restless and therefore you need some way of making sure they get some exercise. A dance party kills two birds with one stone because they get their exercise and they have fun in the process. Invite some kids over, crank up the music, and let them go to it.

At Advantage Insurance Network we’re prepared to help you find homeowner’s insurance in Ohio. Call today and learn about the different coverage options, and more.



Cincinnati Car Care Tips For The Fall

When you live in Cincinnati, it is important to follow a variety of car care tips throughout the year. In the fall especially, there is colder weather and various things you may need to be concerned about. The weather may bring snow, ice, and various other issues on the road. Following a few tips can ensure that you and your car are able to proceed.

Check the Battery

The battery should be checked before the weather gets too cold. Your battery is not going to deal with the cold weather very well and therefore connections need to be tight, clean, and corrosion free.

Inspect the Tires

Inspect the tires for tread depth as well as tire pressure. This will have a significant impact on your ability to drive down the roads, especially as weather gets worse. A gauge should always be kept in your car so that you can check tire pressure on your own.

Schedule an HVAC Inspection

Schedule an HVAC inspection with a mechanic so that you can make sure that the heating system is working properly and that your defroster is capable of clearing the windows.

Make Some Replacements

Now is the perfect time to replace a few things within your car. You may want to replace the cabin air filter so that you are more comfortable. The wiper blade should be replaced so that they can clear away snow, ice, and anything else that may land on your windshield. If you experience a lot of snow and ice where you are driving, specialty tires may need to be placed on your car as well, allowing you to grip the roads better.

At Advantage Insurance Network, we’re here to help you find affordable auto insurance in Cincinnati. Call today and let one of our agents guide you through the process, answering any questions you may have along the way.





Extend Vehicle Life In Cincinnati

Extending vehicle life in Cincinnati is of the utmost importance. Many people forget to focus on regularly scheduled maintenance for their vehicle and then they end up spending a lot of money down the road in repairs. If you are going to spend the money on a car, you want to extend the life so that you get the maximum value from it. There are some tips that you can follow to ensure that you are doing everything you can to extend its life.

Some of the most important things you want to do include:

  • Schedule oil changes regularly
  • Check tire pressure weekly
  • Don’t run the AC too much

There are plenty of other things that you can do, in addition to the tips above. Observe the speed limit at all times. If you are accelerating quickly and then having to use the brakes, it will use more fuel. With fuel costs rising higher than ever before, you want to make sure you are doing what you can to reduce the cost per gallon.

If you remove a lot of the added weight from your trunk, you can extend the life of your vehicle as well. Many people carry around much more than what they need in the trunk and this can weigh down the car. It can impact acceleration, performance, and even tire wear.

Learn about the maintenance schedule for your vehicle. This will be found within the owner’s manual or you can talk to the mechanic at your local dealership. Bringing your vehicle in for maintenance is critical for overall performance.

Call us today at Advantage Insurance Network to learn more about ways to protect your vehicle. We can help you to find an affordable insurance policy in Ohio and answer any questions that you may have about coverage.