Commercial Insurance in Cincinnati Ohio: Finding the Right Company for You

What does it mean to find the right company for you? Each person’s answers will be different because we all have different priorities. For some, the right company may be the cheapest because that’s their biggest consideration. For others, it will have to do with the caliber of people who work there and the quality of their work. We’ll give you a few hints about what to look for when you’re trying to find the right commercial insurance in Cincinnati, OH.

Figuring Out the Answers 

If you ask the insurance company to direct questions in a row, do you just get the one answer? Does the person on the other end of the conversation seem interested in how your business works or does it just sound like they’re reading off a standard form? These are truly important things to consider before signing with anyone because it will ensure that you don’t get a company who will lead you down the wrong road when it comes to picking out a policy. And it also means that you’ll find someone helpful should you have an event happen that needs to be covered. 

Understanding It All 

Advantage Insurance Network knows commercial insurance, and our agents are to here to make your journey an easier one. From reminding you about current laws to updating your coverage, we’re here to take care of it all. We make our clients the priority, which means that you won’t just feel like another face in the crowd or another number from a major insurance carrier boasting about how many people sign up with them on a daily basis. Whether you have a question or want a quote, give us a call to learn more. 


3 Tips to Buying Boat Insurance in Cincinnati

When you buy boat insurance, you may feel a variety of emotions. You may feel annoyed that you have to shell out money, or you may feel proud that you’re taking care of your property. You may feel responsible that you’re doing the right thing. However, sometimes these feelings can get in the way of making the right decision when it comes to the right policy. Here are 3 tips to keep in mind before you buy. 

1. The High Cost of Disasters 

They can often cost more than you think, even if you think your boat isn’t worth anything. You’re not the only person involved here. A guest may be injured and sue you, or one of your family members could be hurt when attempting to perform a basic task on the boat. It’s best to pay for it all now and have a partner on your side. 

2.  The Dangers of the Water 

Water can be deadly, and it can cause more damage than you think. When your boat is exposed to all different types of weather conditions over the season as well as being located in such a precarious place, you truly do want an expert who can help you navigate through the different types of policies to find the right fit for you. 

3. Consult Someone Who Knows 

Advantage Insurance Network serves Cincinnati, OH, and we’re here to get you on your way to a better summer full of tubing and wind in your hair. We know the best and worst parts about boating, which is why you can trust us to find you the best solution when it comes to your boating insurance. Whether you’re cross-comparing rates or have any questions, call us today. 

Do You Need A Specialty Insurer for Your Motorcycle?

There are some advantages that come with buying coverage from a specialty provider. It may or may not be necessary to buy from a specialty insurance company, depending on a number of factors. Many bike owners are more than happy covering their motorcycle with the same provider that insures their car. Others may prefer a seller that exclusively sells motorcycle insurance. Here are some factors to consider:

Some General Providers Charge More For Motorcycle Insurance

The risks that come with owning a bike may lead to higher rates with many insurance providers. Specialty providers often boast lower rates in order to attract business. This doesn’t mean that a more general provider like Advantage Insurance Network will wind up costing you more, or that any given specialty provider will cost you less, only that this is sometimes the case.

A Motorcycle Specialty Insurer Will Only Cover Your Motorcycle

Obviously, you aren’t going to get your motorcycle covered under an umbrella policy with your home and your car if you’re going with a specialty provider. This means that, even if it technically costs less to insure your bike, it could wind up costing you more overall in the discounts you could be missing out on.

Comparing Quotes Is Your Best Bet

Because there are so many variables in what will determine your rates and the kind of coverage you can get, a specialty provider might not always be your best bet, no matter how highly recommended they may be. The discounts and products available from a general insurance provider might wind up adding up to a much better deal than you’ll get from a specialty provider.

In short, keep specialty insurance providers in mind during your search, but don’t write general providers off.


5 Tips to Know About Home Insurance in Cincinnati

Home insurance is often misunderstood by the policy holder, and it’s easy to see why. With contracts that seem to have no end, people often make poor decisions based on the simple fact that it’s difficult to understand exactly which events are covered, and which aren’t. After all, you can’t discuss everything that might take place under the sun. However, you can become better aware of home insurance so you have a better chance of being prepared with these 5 tips. 

1. Find Out About Your Possessions 

Home owners may think that their new laptop will be reimbursed if it goes up in flames, and then find out in a panic that they should have updated their policy or their possessions were never covered at all. 

2. Your Questions Matter 

Often it has nothing to do with your insurance keeping anything from you (though that often happens), it’s more about specifically addressing different scenarios where you find out more about your coverage. 

3. Flooding and Earthquake Damage 

Two events that are often excluded from policies, you want to know whether or not you’ll receive the help you need if you have any type of structural or property damage due to them. Keep in mind that the weather can be hard to predict, so don’t assume it can’t happen to you. 

4. Get More Than the Minimum 

It seems like you’re saving money to go with the cheapest plan, but will you really save anything if something major happens to your home?

5. Choose the Right Carrier 

Your home is likely the most important investment you’ll ever make. Call on Advantage Insurance Network if you’re looking for new coverage. Our staff is waiting to talk to you about your policy, so contact us today. 

Getting Your Boat on the Water: 5 Tips to Prepare in Cincinnati

A boat is no different than a car or a home in that you need to put constant care into it to get the most enjoyment from it. However, boats come with the added responsibility of having to get it back into shape after it’s been sitting around for so many months. Here are 5 tips to get you back out on the water safely in Cincinnati, 

1. Cleaning and Safety 

Taking a sponge to your boat or waxing and polishing everything up doesn’t just make your boat look and smell nicer. Beyond the cosmetic benefits, it gives you a chance to see where you may need repairs from normal wear and tear.

2. Taking a Look Under the Hood 

From the electrical system to the hoses, test everything possible to determine if anything needs to be replaced or fixed. If your engine has trouble starting, your battery may have severely diminished since you last used it. You don’t want a complete failure when you’re out enjoying your day off. 

3. Make an Emergency Plan 

Panic is an unfortunate occurrence of emergencies, but going through the plan several times can mean the difference between calm and order and potentially dangerous mistakes. 

4. Get a Carbon Monoxide Detector

Just like you have one in your home, put one on your boat so there’s no chance you’ll be affected by stray fumes. 

5. Having the Right Insurance Policy 

Preparing your boat means preparing for whatever summer brings you. Insure your boat against common calamities with Advantage Insurance Network. We serve the people of Cincinnati, OH, and have people here to get you the coverage you want, so call today if you’re looking for a new policy or a quote. 

5 Hacks To Keep Your Teen Driver Safe

It can be difficult to keep your teen driver safe on the roads of Cincinnati, OH. There are a few hacks that can help with their overall safety. You can only do so much and trust that they earned their license because they know what they are doing.

Have Them Sign a Pact

Teens often hear what they want to hear. However, you can get around this by having them sign a pact that says they are going to drive safe. This includes such things as always wearing a seat belt and never texting while driving.

Review the Rules

Review all of the rules with them, including the ones that are Ohio-specific. There may be specifics as to when they and cannot be on the road and they must stay within the state whenever they don’t have a licensed adult with them.

Limit Passengers

Too many passengers can spell trouble. This is because they are either rowdy, instigating, or being both. If you limit the passengers to one or two, it may be the ultimate way to make sure your teen is as safe as they can be while out on the roads.

Require Check-Ins

Once you let your teen and their new license behind the wheel, require some check-ins so you can be sure they are safe. Have them call or text when they get to their location and when they are leaving so you know where they are.

Create Punishments

What are you going to do if you catch your teen breaking one of the rules? You can create punishments that are so horrible (like taking away the keys) that they are going to do their best to stay safe on the roads.

Contact Advantage Insurance Network today to learn more about auto insurance and policies for your teen.



Organize your closet in ten minutes a day

If you’re like many people your closets are overstuffed.  Besides creating a hazard this can make it next to impossible to find anything that you really need.  Cleaning out your closet, however, can be a massive undertaking that can take weeks.  Instead of trying to tackle the whole project at once, try these tips to organize just a small part everyday until you’re done.

  1. Start on the floor.  Clearing the floor will allow the doors to close and give you the room to reach the upper shelves safely.  Since larger items are usually kept down here, it will be easier to clear out the smaller stuff.
  2. Assign a place for everything.  Think about what you want to store in the closet, then use sticky notes to label where everything should go.  As you work over the coming days, you’ll have the notes to remind you of your plan.
  3. Group like items in baskets.  Filling a basket with smaller items will keep a small part of the closet organized.  Be sure to label the basket so that everyone else in your house knows what belongs there.
  4. Clear one day, organize the next. If you separate the purging and organizing, you’ll be able to better judge what you need to get rid of.  By alternating days, you’ll be able to get rid of stuff one day, then re-evaluate your space needs on the next.

As you’re cleaning out your closets, you’ll probably come across some things you forgot you had, and get rid of a lot of stuff.  That means that you’ll need to change your insurance policy.  Call the agents at Advantage Insurance Network to make sure that your homeowner’s or renter’s policy is up to date.

Spring Cleaning Checklist

There are so many things that need to be done when you think of spring cleaning. To make the process more manageable, you need a checklist. This is a checklist of some of the things that can easily be overlooked when you are spring cleaning.

Waxing and Polishing

  • Wax Floors: Whether your floors are wood, vinyl, linoleum, tile, or stone, there is a type of wax that you can use to bring out the shine and make them easier to clean. Just make sure you get the correct kind for your floors.
  • Wood Furniture: You would furniture should also get a good waxing or at the very least a good polishing.
  • Polish Metal: Polish doorknobs and handles, kitchen hardware, and any other metal items in your home. This small detail will make your house look cleaner.
  • Dust everything: Don’t forget to dust your entire home. This includes ceilings and walls, ceiling fans, window casings, and on top of your refrigerator.


  • Clean your window glass. If they are really dirty, getting ammonia and mixing it with water can be effective. This allows you to control the concentration. It has a strong chemical smell, so you should only use it in a well-ventilated area.
  • Wash window panes, trim, and screens with soapy water.
  • Take down your curtains and wash them. Check the tag to see if they are machine washable. 
  • If you have blinds, take them down and wash them in the bathtub.


  • Wash your walls with soap and water or an all-purpose cleaner. If you use a cleaner, test a small spot first to make sure it is safe.
  • Take down and clean your pictures.

Sping Cleaning is a great way to take care of your home, but you should also protect your investment with insurance. If you need homeowners insurance, get a free quote from Advantage Insurance Network.


A Little Helmet Safety Goes a Long Long Way

The spring weather brings with it more bicyclers on the roads. As motorists we must be aware of these newcomers on our local roads and welcome them into a safe environment.

Wearing a helmet while bicycling is an all-important indicator on whether or not a cyclist will survive an accident where head injury occurs. As you make your pitch to your children to wear their helmets this spring utilize some of the tips below:

  • Helmets ARE cool.  With some creative research and a few extra dollars for shipping and handling you can have just about anything under the sun added to your child’s helmet. Whether it is a special decal or having the helmet sport a favorite character, it is all yours on the web.
  • Be a good role model. When your family takes to the trails, show them that wearing helmets are safe for everyone – Mom and Dad included.
  • Make Sure Your Head is on Straight – Ensuring the proper fit of your bicycle helmet is key to safety. An ill-fitted helmet may not provide the right protection in the event of an accident. Take the time necessary to follow the manufacturer guides to ensure proper fit and usage before you invest in the headgear for you and your family.

The beautiful spring weather and venturing out into the great outdoors reminds us of clearing out the old and bringing in the new. This is an awesome time to reevaluate your insurance needs. Whether it is auto, life, personal, or home insurance the confident and reliable staff at Advantage Insurance Network can help you make great decisions regarding your insurance needs. Just like that bicycle helmet, you know it’s there if you need it. Peace of mind is priceless. 

Ways To Improve Your Rental Home

Being a renter can be tough, especially when you want to make updates to the property you are renting. You may want to personalize the home or really just improve upon it. Unfortunately, you cannot do this as a renter if the changes you plan to make will be permanent. There are ways that you can improve the rental home while you are residing there so that both you and your landlord are happy. Follow these tips to get started and make sure no lines are crossed. 

  • Update a kitchen quickly by updating the hardware. This is an inexpensive and fairly easy way to personalize the kitchen and make it better. Just make sure you keep all of the old hardware where you can replace it before you move out. 
  • In a room that you want to make a bit larger, use a mirror in a corner. This will give the appearance of a larger room and is also a cheap way of making the space look even bigger and better.
  • Consult with your landlord about painting options. Some let you paint as long as you make sure the color is back to its original upon move out. If this is the case, consider painting an accent wall in a room or two and add some pops of color. 
  • Place some plants around the home. If you do not have a green thumb, you can use fake ones. Either way, these will add life to any room. 

As you can see, there are many ways you can improve your rental. These are simple and inexpensive as well. If you are renting your home, you should have renters insurance to ensure all your belongings are protected. Contact Advantage Insurance Network serving Cincinnati, OH for more information.