What is Covered by Restaurant and Bar Insurance?

Restaurant and bar insurance is different than the usual kind of commercial insurance, Advantage Insurance Network, serving Cincinnati, OH, explains. The food and beverage industry’s unique nature can leave an owner legally exposed if a mishap occurs to any of the customers he or she serves

Like other forms of commercial insurance, restaurant and bar insurance will protect you against equipment failure, theft or other crime, a disaster such as a fire or flood, and lengthy downtime because of a natural disaster. However, the main virtue of taking out a restaurant and bar insurance policy is that it covers you in case of harm done to a customer.

Suppose that a customer at your establishment suffers food poisoning or perhaps gets something caught in his or her airway. You can be insured against such expenses as legal fees, medical costs, and the cost of a settlement if your business is sued.

The liabilities of any establishment serving alcohol can be even more daunting. Any experienced bartender or server can tell if a customer is inebriated and strongly suggest that he or she get a ride home. However, some drunken customers can slip through the cracks and leave your establishment, causing a horrendous accident on the road. You, as a business owner who serves liquor, could find yourself legally liable for property damage, injury, and even death caused by the accident your customer brought about. Altercations at the bar itself between customers who have had too much to drink can also lead to legal action.

For further questions about how restaurant and bar insurance can protect you, contact Advantage Insurance Network serving Cincinnati, OH.

Does My Insurance Cover Defects in Workmanship?

Advantage Insurance Network offers contractors in the Cincinnati, OH area a variety of insurance policies that can help to protect against any type of financial loss, including defects in workmanship. As a contractor, quality and professionalism are important aspects of any business. There are times, however, when mistakes are made. Whether the mistakes are caused by defects in materials or defects in workmanship, you have a responsibility to make things right.

Defects in Workmanship

Defects in workmanship can mean anything from miscalculations in measurements or choosing the wrong type of materials. It may also mean that the completed work did not meet or exceed industry standards or the expectations of the client. In most cases, industry standards and company protocols are consistently me without question. It’s during the time when these types of discrepancies are discovered, that an insurance policy is essential.

Defects in Materials

Not every piece of material will be perfect. Defects in materials can result in defects in workmanship. In order to protect the integrity of the contractor’s work, any defective materials must be removed or replaced. If defective materials are used inadvertently, it’s important to correct the problem as soon as possible and maintain the standards of the industry in terms of quality.

The agents of Advantage Insurance Network serve contractors throughout the Cincinnati, OH and provide them with the most effective policy options available. The agents know and understand the ramifications that follow claims of defects in workmanship or the use of faulty materials. Schedule a consultation today to ensure you are fully protected against any type of claim, including those associated with materials and workmanship.


Why you should choose the Advantage Insurance Network

There are many choices when buying insurance.   How do you decide which is right for you?   You can buy direct from companies like GEICO.  You can buy from captive agents like State Farm or Nationwide.  But buying from an independent insurance agency, like Advantage Insurance Network, has many advantages.  Here are some of them:

  • CHOICE – At Advantage Insurance Network, we represent over 25 top-rated insurance companies.  When you call State Farm or GEICO, you will only get one insurance quote.   When you call Advantage Insurance Network, we shop your insurance with multiple companies to find the best combination of price and coverage.
  • ONE STOP SHOPPING – Advantage Insurance Network offers a full line of insurance products.  Whether you’re shopping for auto, home, motorcycle, boat, umbrella, business, life or health insurance, we can help.  When we handle all your insurance needs, it reduces the risk of gaps in your coverage. 
  • TECHNOLOGY – Advantage Insurance Network uses the latest technology to shop your insurance with multiple companies and customers have 24/7 access to their policies through our Client Center portal on our website.
  • LOCAL KNOWLEDGE –  Advantage Insurance Network is a local business in Cincinnati, Ohio.   When call the “big guys”, you will just be another number.   When you call us, we want to get to know you.  Our agents live and work near you and understand your community.    

Insurance doesn’t have to be complicated.  Let Advantage Insurance Network take the stress out of your insurance shopping experience.  Don’t wait – contact us today!




Factors that Affect Health Insurance Costs

The most important type of insurance that you can have is health insurance. Today, many people are able to obtain health insurance from a wide variety of different networks and providers. When you are looking for health insurance, you may find that the cost of it can vary significantly. There are a variety of factors that will influence health insurance rates for people in the Cincinnati, OH area.

Risk Factors

Overall, the number one thing that will influence the cost of your health insurance is your risk factors. When you apply for health insurance, you will have to fill out a big questionnaire about your personal health and health history. Some of the items that were red flags will include whether you use tobacco, your body-mass index, and even your profession as some jobs come with higher levels of health and injury risk. 

Age and Gender

Even if you are in very good health, you also could have a fluctuation in health insurance costs based on your age and gender. In general, people tend to have more health issues as they age. Because of this, it is more expensive to get health insurance as you get older. Also, women tend to have higher health insurance premium than men due to the fact that they are more likely to go to the doctor. 

If you are looking for health insurance in the Cincinnati, OH area, you should start your search with the Advantage Insurance Network. This organization can help you figure out what type of coverage is right for you and then get you into a great policy. The Advantage Insurance Network can also answer any questions that you have about your health insurance options. 

Why Conducting An Inventory Of Your Home Is Vital With Flood Insurance

Buying flood insurance may be required based on where you live in Ohio. A standard homeowner’s insurance policy won’t protect you if there’s a flood. By conducting a home inventory, you value all of your belongings properly. There are various riders that can be obtained on a flood policy, providing you with the higher value protection that you need in Cincinnati, OH.

At Advantage Insurance Network, we can guide you through a home inventory. This way, you can identify all of the furniture, paintings, and other valuables, room by room.

Include Everything

You may not realize just how much you have in your home until you complete an inventory. If your home is by a flood, you want the insurance company to pay to replace as much as possible. If you forget to add the value of the furniture that you have in the basement or the art hanging on the wall in the bedroom, you may not get enough from the claim.

Establish Values

One of the hardest things in a home inventory is to attach values to everything. Consider what the replacement value on things would be. If you have original invoices from furniture or appraisals on high-value items, it can make it easier. Our insurance agents can also help you with valuations. If you have higher valued items than what a traditional policy would credit you for, we can show you what the options are to include more coverage. This way, if something ever does happen, you know that everything is covered.

Many homeowners don’t take the time to conduct a home inventory, putting themselves at risk. When you get a policy for the first time, we recommend an inventory to be done so that you are better protected.

Contact us at Fuhriman Insurance Agency today for help with obtaining a flood insurance policy in Cincinnati, OH. Once you have completed a home inventory, it makes it easier to get a more comprehensive quote on flood insurance.


How Does Dwelling Fire Insurance Differ From Homeowners or Condo Insurance Policies?

If you own a building, you may be required to carry dwelling fire insurance. Here at Advantage Insurance Network, serving the greater Cincinnati, OH area, we are often asked how dwelling fire insurance differs from homeowners or condo insurance policies. Here is what you need to know about the differences between them.

How Does Dwelling Fire Insurance Differ From Homeowners or Condo Insurance Policies?

If you own a dwelling building, such as a condo building or an apartment building, dwelling fire insurance is ideal for you. Dwelling fire insurance covers the structure of the entire building. On the flip side, homeowners or condo insurance policies are designed to cover a single structure and the belongings inside. 

A dwelling fire insurance policy does not cover any belongings inside. All of the tenants or residents that live inside of your building should have their own condo, homeowners or renters insurance policy to protect their belongings in the event of a fire. Your dwelling fire insurance policy does not cover their belongings, nor does it cover your belongings if you own a unit in the building. It simply covers the building itself. 

If you own a building with dwellings in it, and you want to protect the investment you made in the building, dwelling fire insurance can protect you in the event a fire breaks out. There are many factors that affect the price of a dwelling insurance policy, and as such, you should always take the time to get multiple quotes before settling on a dwelling fire insurance policy. If you are located in the greater Cincinnati, OH area, and are looking to obtain quotes for dwelling fire insurance, contact Advantage Insurance Network. They can help you find the right policy for your building at an affordable price. 

3 Tips for Buying Boaters Insurance in Cincinnati, OH

Do you love to spend time on your boat in the waterways, lakes and ponds of Cincinnati, OH? If so, there’s no question that you also need to put time and effort into protecting the boat you have invested in. One of the best ways for you to do this is by purchasing a boaters insurance policy with the help of Advantage Insurance Network. If you are ready to make this purchase, be sure to use the tips found here.

Compare Quotes

When it is time to purchase boaters insurance, be sure you take some time to compare quotes. In most cases, an agency will provide a quote to you at no charge. This means that you can get several quotes and compare them to find the one that best meets your needs and budget.


Another important step in the process of purchasing boaters insurance is to consider bundling the policies. The fact is, if you already use an insurance company for homeowners insurance or car insurance, they can also provide you with this new policy. When you bundle your policies, you will be able to save a significant amount of money on premiums.

Work with a Reputable Agent

Another important step is to find and use the services of a reputable insurance agent when purchasing boaters insurance. They will be able to help you get a policy that meets your needs and your budget. In the long run, you will be glad that you used the services of a professional.

When it comes to buying boater’s insurance in Cincinnati, OH, there are more than a few factors that you have to consider. If you need help or guidance along the way, then consider using the services of Advantage Insurance Network serving the Cincinnati area and who can help you find the policy that best suits your needs.

Does my motorcycle insurance cover bike customizations?

Advantage Insurance Network of Cincinnati, OH wants you to fully understand your motorcycle insurance so you don’t experience any surprises if damage occurs to your bike. Many people don’t realize that insurance doesn’t cover customizations made after you obtain the insurance policy unless you specifically update the policy.

Modifying a Motorcycle Policy

When you buy insurance, you’re buying a policy to cover the motorcycle as it is at the time of purchase. Your agent bases your policy premiums on the value of your motorcycle at that time. So, any changes you make to the bike after obtaining the coverage you need to add to the policy or they won’t receive coverage.

Chopper Insurance

Some customizations completely alter the bike. A motorcycle that has undergone so many modifications that its design and shape have been altered receives the name “chopper.” A chopper generally features a long front fork and a low rear end. It may lack rear suspension. If you chopped your bike after purchasing motorcycle insurance, you need a different policy altogether. Ask us about chopper insurance. These bikes have their own policy type.

How the Policy Types Differ

Motorcycle insurance bases its premiums on factory standard models. An agent can consult a blue book to determine repair or replacement value.

Choppers require a custom policy because they’re custom bikes, sometimes altered from a factory model, sometimes built from a kit. No factory standard exists for a chopper. The agent cannot consult a blue book for a value for a one-of-a-kind vehicle. Choppers require an independent appraisal to determine actual value. The chopper policy provides custom coverage for a custom bike.

Before you can insure it, you’ll need to have the bike pass inspection by your state’s Department of Transportation or Motor Vehicles Bureau. Some states also require an annual safety test.

Contact Advantage Insurance Network of Cincinnati, OH to learn whether your bike needs a standard motorcycle policy or a chopper policy. We can help you obtain reliable coverage for your ride.

How to Choose a Beneficiary for your Life Insurance

The next step after purchasing a life insurance policy is to choose a beneficiary. Your beneficiary is the person (or persons) who will receive benefits from your policy after you’re gone. Beneficiaries can be relatives, friends, colleagues or charities. Here are a few tips on choosing a beneficiary for your life policy.

Children and Spouse

If you are married, you’ll probably want your spouse and kids to be your beneficiaries. It’s only natural to want to provide for these loved ones after you’re gone. With the proceeds from your life insurance policy, your family will have funds to pay daily expenses, monthly bills, personal needs, school needs and more. Life insurance benefits can give your family financial stability after you’re gone.

Aging Parents, Business Partner, Significant Other

Singles could choose aging parents, a significant other, business partners or favorite charities in Cincinnati OH as beneficiaries or divide the proceeds among any of these. Life benefits can supplement your parents’ pension in their retirement years, giving them extra income to cover their needs. In the case of a business partner, proceeds from your policy can help pay your share of expenses to keep the company going after your demise. Life proceeds can also help a significant other pay off any debts you accrued while living together such as car loan or mortgage.


Many people choose charities as their beneficiaries, dividing proceeds to support their favorite causes. You can designate the number of funds you want each charity to receive or divide proceeds equally between the charities you choose as beneficiaries.

A life insurance policy from Advantage Insurance Network can go a long ways towards helping loved ones upon your demise. For more information on life insurance policies and costs, contact Advantage Insurance Network, Cincinnati, OH.

Is Business Insurance Only for Large Companies?

Do you have a small business or a home-based business in Cincinnati, OH? Business insurance isn’t just for larger companies. Even a single person doing any kind of commercial activity can benefit from business insurance. Advantage Insurance Network offers business policies to suit even the smallest businesses.

Why Small Businesses Need Business Insurance

All business creates liability. You can sell small, handmade trinkets from home, or rent a small office space somewhere.

In all cases, you create risks just by engaging in any form of business activity. Those risks can cost you a great deal if you don’t protect yourself against them.

The risks your small business creates will depend on the type of business. Generally, if you’re selling someone a product or a service, you create the risk of that product or service causing harm in some way.

Even when the harm is negligible, someone may attempt to sue you for damages. This can happen no matter the size of your business.

In addition, your business also comes with assets. Even if all you’re using is some craft materials and a computer, you’ll want to protect those things.

For example, if someone steals your laptop, you may find yourself out of business for a little while. If a fire destroys your inventory, you’ll have to pay in time and money to replace it all.

For people working from home, you need to understand your home insurance may not cover anything business-related. Check with your home insurance policy if you’re running any business activities from your home or any other part of your property.

What Kind of Business Insurance Does Your Small Business Need

You need business insurance that will protect you, your equipment, and your finances if something untoward happens. Your business insurance needs will depend on what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. To find a business insurance package tailored to your small business in Cincinnati, OH, contact Advantage Insurance Network today.