Expenses covered by boat insurance in Cincinnati

Boat or watercraft insurance can be purchased for various types of seafaring vessels, including standard boats, as well as jet skis, sailboats, and yachts. Boat owners in the Cincinnati, OH area should consider an overview of the items and losses that will be covered under their boat insurance policy, and get in touch with Advantage Insurance Network for more information.  

Mechanical parts

The machines and engines that keep the boat running are often very costly and important. The boat cannot operate without these parts, which is why their repairs and replacements are covered under an insurance policy. These mechanical parts are especially sensitive to things like rust and salt damage from entering and exiting the water, which makes them more likely to break than similar parts on a land vehicle. 

The body or structure of the vessel

Most boats and vessels have a hull or other main body structure. This part is covered, as things like leaks, cracks, and tears in the hull can render the boat unusable until they are repaired. 

Liability coverage

If a boat is involved in an accident, or someone is hurt while they are on your boat, it is possible that the owner can be sued for negligence. The boat insurance policy will cover these losses up to a certain amount without the owner being personally liable. Otherwise, the boat owner may have to spend time in court, legal fees, and their own money to settle the case without insurance. 

Speak with an agent about other boat insurance issues

Anyone who is considering a boat insurance policy should speak with an agent at Advantage Insurance Network. They serve the Cincinnati, OH area with professional advice and service.

What You Need to Know About Purchasing Motorcycle Insurance

It isn’t exactly a secret that you need liability insurance coverage to keep your bike legal while out on the road. However, if you’ve never purchased it before, you might not know what the process is like and that’s where our Advantage Insurance Network team is here to help. Here are a few things you need to know about purchasing motorcycle insurance in Cincinnati, OH.

Liability and First-Party Coverage

Just like when you’re purchasing auto insurance, there are two types of motorcycle insurance you have to consider: liability and first-party coverage.

Liability is what you need to stay legal. This pays for any medical bills for other people or property damage costs if you’re in an accident that is deemed your fault. Usually, liability is pretty affordable and there are a few different coverage tier levels you can choose from.

First-party coverage is what covers you, your passenger, and your bike if you’re involved in an accident. And it doesn’t matter who caused the incident.

The most common first-party coverages you need to be aware of our comprehensive, collision, and medical payments. Comprehensive and collision pay for damages to the motorcycle, while medpay helps take care of any hospital or doctor bills you might have after a crash.

Other Optional Coverages

Of course, your coverage options don’t end there. If you have any special equipment on your motorcycles, such as saddlebags or any upgrades, you’ll want to ensure your policy covers those, too. There are also coverages for emergency road service and towing, which are helpful if you’re on a ride and your bike suddenly breaks down.

Ready to purchase quality motorcycle insurance coverage in Cincinnati, OH for your bike? Please contact our Advantage Insurance Network team today for more information.

Are All of Your Possessions Covered by Your Homeowner’s Policy?

The agents of Advantage Insurance Network understand Cincinnati, OH residents’ concerns when it comes to having the right amount of homeowners’ insurance to protect their possessions. While most of your possessions will be covered in general, you may have specific items that are significantly more valuable than the others. In this case, those items may need to be insured separately so that you are fully compensated for their loss if they are damaged or stolen.

A Complete Video and Written Inventory of Your Possessions

It’s essential for you to know what you have so that you can be fully covered by your homeowner’s policy. Providing your insurance agent with a complete written inventory of your possessions is the best way to accomplish this. A video is also beneficial because you can record all of the vital numbers associated with each item. The agent will also be able to see each item’s condition and will be able to attach a replacement value so that everything is properly covered.

Antiques, Collectibles, and Other Valuables

Antiques, collectibles, and other valuables like jewelry and family keepsakes, may hold substantial value over and above their general replacement cost. Insuring these items separately will take into account their additional value and provide additional compensation if they are ever lost, damaged, or stolen. In situations like this, it is important that you have each item appraised so that you know its actual value before contacting your insurance agent.

In Cincinnati, OH, the reputable agents of Advantage Insurance Network can help you determine what possessions can be insured under your traditional homeowner’s policy and which ones need to be insured separately. Call or visit their office today so that you can get the insurance coverage you need to feel adequately protected.

Bundling Your Auto Insurance When You Marry

You have probably heard that when a couple gets married, you should combine their auto insurance policies. Ideally, this saves you money.

Sometimes though, you should not bundle because it would result in raising the insurance premiums. We want the happy couples of Cincinnati, OH to remain happy, so Advantage Insurance Network wants to explain the ins and outs of marriage and auto insurance.

When it works, the reduced rate on auto insurance comes from lowered risk and a multi-vehicle discount. You see, married couples drive safer. Getting married, statistics show, encourages you to drive more safely. The other part of the reduced rate is that you insure more than one vehicle on a single policy. Under normal circumstances, this results in up to a 25 percent reduction in premiums.

This assumes that both spouses have a pristine driving record. If one of you has incurred a number of speeding tickets or a DUI/DWI, the insurance of the good driver would go up if you bundle. High-risk drivers pay much higher premiums.

You may still be able to save a little money on premiums if you will move other insurance policies to the same carrier. This would require moving your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance and your life insurance all to the same carrier.

You need to consider the policies provided by both insurance companies. Read each policy statement carefully, so you know that both options would provide the same coverage and protection. It is not savings if your new policy does not cover the same items or cover them to the same level.

Call Advantage Insurance Network to talk to one of our agents serving Cincinnati, OH. Let us help you see how you can best bundle your auto insurance after marriage.

Variables To Consider While Researching Restaurant & Bar Insurance Policies

Advantage Insurance Network assists Cincinnati, OH residents through offering them multiple insurance policies. As an independent insurance agency, we are able to help our clients find coverage regardless of their situation.

Restaurant & Bar Insurance

Many Cincinnati, OH businesses recognize the risks associated with operating near the Ohio River. That’s why business owners have started to research Restaurant & Bar Insurance. The policy protects owners in the event that some of the physical property is damaged. Your restaurant equipment, as well as the food that you have in storage, is also covered in the event that they are damaged. The policy also covers owners against any possible liability situations if someone were to get hurt while visiting the place. If you are the owner of a restaurant or bar, here are some variables to consider while researching Restaurant & Bar Insurance.

Think About Your Establishment

Keep in mind that different types of establishments require unique coverage compared to others. If you own a bar or a small restaurant, you may require different coverage compared to someone who owns a tavern or full-service restaurant. The location of your restaurant or bar is also important.

Additional Coverage

Don’t forget to add Workers Comp and commercial insurance to your policy. Workers comp protects your employees and lets them know that they are valued, which boosts morale. Commercial insurance protects any extra assets to your business, such as a vehicle.

Other Factors To Weigh

Remember that your hours of operation, the number of years in business, the sales volume, and the different activities at your restaurant are factors to think about while researching different policies.

Consult With Advantage Insurance Network

We will sit down with you and help you find the coverage that aligns with your goals. Contact us today.

How Much Contractor’s Insurance Do You Really Need?

Business insurance, specifically contractors insurance are likely terms you do not want to think much about as you run your company each day. But careful consideration can mean that once you do purchase the perfectly suited policy you do not have to think about it again until the day comes when you actually need it. Advantage Insurance Network serves the contracting businesses of Cincinnati, OH and the surrounding areas with quality insurance services.

Who Needs Contractor’s Insurance? 

Contractor’s insurance may also be referred to as small business insurance and anyone in businesses such as HVAC, General Contracting, Plumbing, Handyman, Electrician, Tile, Outdoor Excavations, Landscaping, Interior or Exterior Painting, or the like should protect themselves with a small business insurance policy specific to their contractor needs. 

How much contractor’s insurance is needed? 

A basic general liability policy is needed for any business owner who has an employee in the state of Ohio. Your policy will start with this general requirement and build from there to meet your companies specific needs. How much you need exactly is determined by your personal risk levels and how much you stand to lose if certain events occur. If you use vehicles in the process of running your business then you need a commercial auto policy as well. And you must carry a minimum level of Ohio worker’s compensation in case one of your employees is injured on the job, even if you only have one employee. Beyond that, you may want to add certain elements like flood insurance for your building and umbrella insurance for unique risks in your line of work. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about this. 

If you run any type of contracting business in the Cincinnati, OH area contact us at Advantage Insurance Network to learn about the specifics of your individual insurance needs. Contractors’ insurance needs can vary as greatly as types of contractors there are. Call us today for easy to purchase contractors insurance in Ohio. 

What You Should Know About Condo Insurance in Cincinnati

Property owners may choose condos for any number of reasons. Maybe they don’t want to be responsible for yard upkeep or maybe they just don’t need all the extra space that a home could bring. Maybe they want to rent out the property to generate a secured monthly income. But whatever the reason it is that you chose a condo in Cincinnati, OH, you’ll want to look into how condo insurance works for your property and how it can work for you. 

Building Coverage Vs. Condo Coverage 

When you own a condo, you don’t usually own the larger building. So if your condo association has its own coverage, you may assume that you don’t really need condo insurance at all. But the insurance policy owned by the complex may only cover the structure, common areas, and general liability. So if someone breaks into the lobby and steals the TV, their insurance policy will pay for it. But if someone breaks into your condo and steals your TV, you won’t get that same luxury.  

How to Make It Work for You 

Condo insurance will cover not only your things but also events in which you may be deemed liable for the damages. If a guest comes over and trips on an unsecured part of the rug, you could be responsible for paying all of their medical costs. It’s a responsible way to keep not just your things protected from storms, criminals, and fire, but it’s also a good way to avoid potentially costly lawsuits. 

Call Advantage Insurance Network 

If you want to learn more about the policies available in Cincinnati, OH, contact Advantage Insurance Network today. We’re here to help you understand which options are best for your needs and property. 

The Four Main Types of Health Insurance

Everyone needs health insurance. That’s as true in Cincinnati, OH, as anywhere else in the country. When you’re looking around at health insurance options, you’ll find four different types of plans are very common. Here is the Advantage Insurance Network breakdown of the main types of health insurance.


A Preferred Provider Organization plan is the most common type of insurance. It’s likely what you get through an employer. The insurance company will have a network of preferred providers, and when you get care from providers on that list, your copays are typically lower. 


A Health Maintenance Organization plan is similar to a PPO, but the network is more important. Providers in the HMO network have exclusive contracts with that network, and that makes out-of-network care more expensive with these plans than most PPOs. 


A Health Savings Account is a different approach to health insurance. Essentially, you put money into a special account. That money is tax-free, and you can draw on it to pay for medical expenses. Restrictions may be applied to how many can be put into and taken out of the account, and they will vary with the plan. HSAs typically are used in conjunction with another type of insurance to provide more robust coverage.


Indemnity plans are the most generalized. Basically, you see who you want and get the health care you want from whichever providers you choose. The insurance company will pay a pre-arranged portion of the total charges. Because indemnity plans are less constricting, they tend to have higher out-of-pocket costs.

When you’re looking for the right health insurance plan in Cincinnati, OH, Advantage Insurance Network can help you browse your options and make informed choices.

Who Needs Dwelling Fire Insurance?

Though dwelling fire insurance is often compared to class home insurance, these types of policies are different. Dwelling fire insurance is coverage for properties that are not considered the owners’ primary residence. Besides fire, it also covers hail, lightning, wind, vandalism, and other losses. In order to understand this type of insurance better, you need to know who dwelling fire insurance is for:

  • Owners of vacation properties

 If you have a secondary residence where you do not keep all your expensive and precious possessions, then it makes sense to get dwelling fire insurance for this property instead of traditional home coverage. 

  • Rental properties owners

Whether you have the second house that you rent to someone else, or you are an owner of 30 other rental properties throughout the country, dwelling fire insurance is what your tenants need. This policy will still protect the property itself without the contents inside it. In order to protect their own possessions, tenants will have to carry rental insurance. 

  • Homeowners who are not qualified for home insurance

 If a homeowner has a low credit score, or the property is in poor condition and has past claims, then classic home insurance might be unavailable. In this case, the best option will be to get Owner Occupied Dwelling Fire Insurance. 

Whether you are looking for insurance for your vacation house or rental property, Advantage Insurance Network serving Cincinnati, OH is dedicated to assisting you in your search. The mission of trusting and experienced agents of Advantage Insurance Network is to find the best rates for you based on your budget and needs. If you are a property owner from Cincinnati, OH, do not hesitate to give us a call today for more information. 

What’s Covered by Flood Insurance in Ohio?

Ohio is no stranger to natural disasters. During the course of the year, Ohio homeowners may face such threats as wildfires, severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding. Floods can occur almost anywhere in the state, including Cincinnati Flood insurance from Advantage Insurance Network can compensate you for a flood loss. Here’s what you should know about flood coverage.

What Flood Insurance Covers

Flood insurance offers two-fold coverage for your home: protection for your home structure and protection for your contents.  

Structural coverage protects your home structure to include its foundation, walls, wall-to-wall carpeting, electrical system, plumbing system, and built-in appliances. You can purchase this coverage for up to $250,000.

Contents coverage protects your belongings – your clothes, electronics, minor appliances, furniture, sports gear, paintings, etc. for up to $100,000.

What Flood Insurance Doesn’t Cover

Items such as cash, stocks, and bonds and precious metals are not covered by flood insurance and should be kept in a location safe from flooding. Property located outside your home such as grills, patio furniture, landscaping, pools and pool decks, and hot tubs are also exempt from flood insurance coverage.   

Who Needs Flood Coverage

Many homeowners are under the misconception that floods only occur in high-risk flood zone areas. Contrary to popular belief,  floods can occur almost anywhere. A substantial amount of rain can cause rivers or dams to overflow, causing flooding in Cincinnati, OH and other inland areas.

It only takes a few inches of floodwater to devastate a home. As home insurance doesn’t cover flood damage, lack of flood insurance protection could lead to financial ruin. Knowing the extensive damage that floods can cause should prompt you to add flood coverage to your home’s insurance package.

To purchase flood insurance for your Cincinnati, OH home, contact an agent from Advantage Insurance Network.