DIY Winter Home Maintenance

Want to keep your house in good condition throughout the Cincinnati, OH winters? There are a few home maintenance tips that you can do yourself to help keep your home secure for the season.

  • Gutters – Clean your gutters to remove any debris that may have become trapped over the last few months. If your gutters are blocked, water can damage your roof and fascia of your home. Water that settles can attract insects, animals, and rodents. Water that flows over can seep into your foundation and cause mold damage. Remove any large debris by hand and then, with a gutter attachment, spray the gutters with a garden hose. This is a good time to see if your gutters are draining properly. If not, you will need to flush the downspout with a hose.
  • Empty Pipes – Before the weather gets below freezing temperatures, make sure there is no water in the exterior pipes of your home. Shut off the main water valve and then run all of the faucets until the pipes are clear. Don’t forget about the toilets, dishwasher, and washing machine. Add a small amount of propylene glycol to prevent freezing from standing water inside of any pipe traps.
  • Fireplace Maintenance – Fireplaces that are not maintained properly can cause house fires and could result in carbon monoxide poisoning. Check the outside of your chimney for cracks and make sure that your cap is in good condition. The screen preventing rodents and animals from entering your home should be damage-free and clear of debris. Also, clean out any ash from inside your fireplace.

 In Cincinnati, OH, our independent insurance agents can help you keep your home safe and secure with home insurance. We can also take care of your auto, business, life, health, and boat insurance needs.

4 Things You Can Do to Prepare for Fall

Fall is a beautiful time of year, but sometimes people are too busy outside enjoying the new season that they fail to remember that winter is coming. Preparing for fall really means getting the house ready for a change in temperature, so check out these 4 tips from Advantage Insurance Network to get your house back in tip-top shape. 

Insulate It All 

Unless you love spending money on all of your heating bills, then it’s time to consider better insulation in the house. It’s not a myth that you can lose hundreds, if not thousands of dollars a year by the heat escaping to the outside. 

Clean It Up 

Winter is stuffy and if your house in Cincinnati, OH isn’t clean, it can compound the cabin fever feeling you will not doubt be having at some point this season. When you clean everything, you can at least have air that hasn’t been compromised by the dust that’s built up over the stifling heat of summer. 

Store It Away 

There are a lot of things you won’t be using this winter, and why have all of the clutter around if you don’t have to? By putting it all away, you have space and room to breathe, and it makes it a lot easier to find the things you will need — like your sweaters and your shovel.

Remember the Perils of Winter

 Advantage Insurance Network serves Cincinnati, OH, and wants you to have a safer home for all the seasons. Failing to purchase the right policy can lead you open to repairs that you can’t afford. For protection against natural disasters, call our agents today to find out how you can get the coverage you need to ward off snow, ice and more. 


Your Cincinnati, OH home insurance agent can find you the right policy

When you buy a home it’s a very exciting time, but don’t get so caught up in getting a house that you overlook the important details of protecting your new investment. You need to make sure you take good care of your house, and that includes keeping it insured. With a good insurance policy, your home will be financially protected from fire, floods, break-ins, and other worries that are common to people who own a house of their own. One of the best ways to get the right insurance policy for your Cincinnati, OH home is to work with an independent agent from Advantage Insurance Network.

Independent agents are great at finding you the right policy because they can get you quotes from several different companies. Then you can ask questions about all of the options you have and can consider which policy is going to be right for you. Some of your focus may be on the cost of your policy, but there are other issues to consider, too. How much coverage you’re getting for the money matters, because that tells you the true value of the policy you’ve chosen. Instead of just selecting what’s least expensive, you can look at several different policies that fit your budget.

When you get your home insurance from Advantage Insurance Network, you can work with an independent agent and get answers to your questions about the right policy and what that can mean for your needs. Then you can just live in your home and enjoy it, knowing you’re protected financially. As your needs change you may need to make adjustments to your home insurance, too, so it’s good to know that you have an agent on your side to help you stay prepared.

Getting Your Home Ready for the Winter in Cincinnati, OH

If you live in Cincinnati, OH, you live in a climate where the seasons change in a fairly extreme manner. As such, you need to be prepared for those seasonal changes, particularly the shift to cooler weather in the autumn and winter. This can actually have a real effect on you financially, as certain types of damage that can be caused by seasonal weather are not covered by your home insurance policy except for very specific circumstances. There are many things you should keep in mind about home insurance in the state of Ohio.

One thing that you should do is make sure to get your furnace cleaned and inspected by a qualified technician. You should actually do this every year around this time, as damage can accumulate and make it so that your furnace does not work properly. You should also make sure that your chimney is clean, and you should have maintenance done if necessary. Additionally, you should position any downspouts away from the foundation of your home, so that water damage does not become a problem. This water damage would likely not be covered by insurance if it did occur, so you want to make sure to prevent it. You should get rid of any overloading sockets or frayed wires, as these can be potential fire hazards, especially during the characteristically dry weather of the winter. It would be a very good idea to take a look at your home insurance policy, so that you know exactly what kind of damage would be covered and what is not.

If you want to know more about home insurance in Ohio, you should contact the professionals at Advantage Insurance Network. The agents at Advantage Insurance Network can answer all the questions that you have about home insurance in Cincinnati, OH and tell you what you should keep in mind as you are preparing your home for the cooler seasons of the year.

3 Essential Flood Preparation Tips

Preparing for the event of a flood is important, and having good flood insurance is one of the best steps you can take. However, there are a few other flood preparation tips you should keep in mind to keep your family safe and minimize losses.

Tip #1 – Keep Possessions Safe

Come up with a flood file that offers information on all your current possessions. Ensure this information is kept in a safe place, such as a waterproof container or a safe deposit box. Your file should include a copy of all insurance policies, copies of important documents, and an inventory of your household possessions. It’s a good idea to have photos or video, as well as a written record, of all your valuables and major household items.

Tip #2 – Ensure Your Home is Prepared

Before a flood prepare your home, and ensuring a sump pump is on hand is a great idea if you know a flood is coming. You can also prepare your home by raising any electrical components at least a foot above the projected flood elevation for your home. Clear out any debris from downspouts and gutters and anchor fuel tanks. Important documents, valuables, and furniture should be moved to a safe place when you’re preparing for a flood.

Tip #3 – Have a Family Emergency Plan in Place

Make sure your family has a family emergency plan in place. Make sure you have a safety kit that includes first aid items, drinking water, a flashlight, a radio, blankets, and some canned food. Have emergency telephone numbers posted by your phone and ensure kids are taught how they can dial 911 if needed. Plan out and practice flood evacuation and ensure you have a plan in place to take care of pets.

Make sure you’re prepared for a flood with good flood insurance. Contact the Advantage Insurance Network serving Cincinnati, OH today to learn more about your flood insurance options.


5 Tips to Know About Home Insurance in Cincinnati

Home insurance is often misunderstood by the policy holder, and it’s easy to see why. With contracts that seem to have no end, people often make poor decisions based on the simple fact that it’s difficult to understand exactly which events are covered, and which aren’t. After all, you can’t discuss everything that might take place under the sun. However, you can become better aware of home insurance so you have a better chance of being prepared with these 5 tips. 

1. Find Out About Your Possessions 

Home owners may think that their new laptop will be reimbursed if it goes up in flames, and then find out in a panic that they should have updated their policy or their possessions were never covered at all. 

2. Your Questions Matter 

Often it has nothing to do with your insurance keeping anything from you (though that often happens), it’s more about specifically addressing different scenarios where you find out more about your coverage. 

3. Flooding and Earthquake Damage 

Two events that are often excluded from policies, you want to know whether or not you’ll receive the help you need if you have any type of structural or property damage due to them. Keep in mind that the weather can be hard to predict, so don’t assume it can’t happen to you. 

4. Get More Than the Minimum 

It seems like you’re saving money to go with the cheapest plan, but will you really save anything if something major happens to your home?

5. Choose the Right Carrier 

Your home is likely the most important investment you’ll ever make. Call on Advantage Insurance Network if you’re looking for new coverage. Our staff is waiting to talk to you about your policy, so contact us today. 

Getting Your Boat on the Water: 5 Tips to Prepare in Cincinnati

A boat is no different than a car or a home in that you need to put constant care into it to get the most enjoyment from it. However, boats come with the added responsibility of having to get it back into shape after it’s been sitting around for so many months. Here are 5 tips to get you back out on the water safely in Cincinnati, 

1. Cleaning and Safety 

Taking a sponge to your boat or waxing and polishing everything up doesn’t just make your boat look and smell nicer. Beyond the cosmetic benefits, it gives you a chance to see where you may need repairs from normal wear and tear.

2. Taking a Look Under the Hood 

From the electrical system to the hoses, test everything possible to determine if anything needs to be replaced or fixed. If your engine has trouble starting, your battery may have severely diminished since you last used it. You don’t want a complete failure when you’re out enjoying your day off. 

3. Make an Emergency Plan 

Panic is an unfortunate occurrence of emergencies, but going through the plan several times can mean the difference between calm and order and potentially dangerous mistakes. 

4. Get a Carbon Monoxide Detector

Just like you have one in your home, put one on your boat so there’s no chance you’ll be affected by stray fumes. 

5. Having the Right Insurance Policy 

Preparing your boat means preparing for whatever summer brings you. Insure your boat against common calamities with Advantage Insurance Network. We serve the people of Cincinnati, OH, and have people here to get you the coverage you want, so call today if you’re looking for a new policy or a quote. 

Organize your closet in ten minutes a day

If you’re like many people your closets are overstuffed.  Besides creating a hazard this can make it next to impossible to find anything that you really need.  Cleaning out your closet, however, can be a massive undertaking that can take weeks.  Instead of trying to tackle the whole project at once, try these tips to organize just a small part everyday until you’re done.

  1. Start on the floor.  Clearing the floor will allow the doors to close and give you the room to reach the upper shelves safely.  Since larger items are usually kept down here, it will be easier to clear out the smaller stuff.
  2. Assign a place for everything.  Think about what you want to store in the closet, then use sticky notes to label where everything should go.  As you work over the coming days, you’ll have the notes to remind you of your plan.
  3. Group like items in baskets.  Filling a basket with smaller items will keep a small part of the closet organized.  Be sure to label the basket so that everyone else in your house knows what belongs there.
  4. Clear one day, organize the next. If you separate the purging and organizing, you’ll be able to better judge what you need to get rid of.  By alternating days, you’ll be able to get rid of stuff one day, then re-evaluate your space needs on the next.

As you’re cleaning out your closets, you’ll probably come across some things you forgot you had, and get rid of a lot of stuff.  That means that you’ll need to change your insurance policy.  Call the agents at Advantage Insurance Network to make sure that your homeowner’s or renter’s policy is up to date.

Spring Cleaning Checklist

There are so many things that need to be done when you think of spring cleaning. To make the process more manageable, you need a checklist. This is a checklist of some of the things that can easily be overlooked when you are spring cleaning.

Waxing and Polishing

  • Wax Floors: Whether your floors are wood, vinyl, linoleum, tile, or stone, there is a type of wax that you can use to bring out the shine and make them easier to clean. Just make sure you get the correct kind for your floors.
  • Wood Furniture: You would furniture should also get a good waxing or at the very least a good polishing.
  • Polish Metal: Polish doorknobs and handles, kitchen hardware, and any other metal items in your home. This small detail will make your house look cleaner.
  • Dust everything: Don’t forget to dust your entire home. This includes ceilings and walls, ceiling fans, window casings, and on top of your refrigerator.


  • Clean your window glass. If they are really dirty, getting ammonia and mixing it with water can be effective. This allows you to control the concentration. It has a strong chemical smell, so you should only use it in a well-ventilated area.
  • Wash window panes, trim, and screens with soapy water.
  • Take down your curtains and wash them. Check the tag to see if they are machine washable. 
  • If you have blinds, take them down and wash them in the bathtub.


  • Wash your walls with soap and water or an all-purpose cleaner. If you use a cleaner, test a small spot first to make sure it is safe.
  • Take down and clean your pictures.

Sping Cleaning is a great way to take care of your home, but you should also protect your investment with insurance. If you need homeowners insurance, get a free quote from Advantage Insurance Network.


Why You Need to Prepare Your Home for a Disaster Slug

There are far too many people who believe a natural disaster will never impact the Cincinnati, OH area in such a way that it will disrupt or devastate their lives. As a result, they often don’t create an emergency disaster plan for their home or family. The fact is, you can never predict what will happen and being prepared is the only way to make sure you and your family will come through the situation safely.

Inability to contact help

Regardless of if you are facing a blizzard, flood or strong thunderstorm, being able to call for help in these situations is essential. It is a good idea to purchase communication equipment that will work during bad weather. There are a number of devices available and without them you may not be able to receive the help you need during the time of emergency.

Inability to rebuild your life

Another consequence you may face if you fail to plan for a disaster is the inability to rebuild your home and life. Things such as insurance will provide you the ability to rebuild your life if disaster strikes. Without proper coverage you will not be able to rebuild after a disaster. This is why it is essential to purchase quality insurance coverage.

Your home and your family need to be protected. If you fail to see to this protection you may not know where to begin after disaster strikes. While being prepared takes work, it will be well worth it in the long run.

If you want to ensure you and your home is protected, then be sure to find home insurance through Advantage Insurance Network. This will ensure you are protected and ready to weather the storm, regardless of what may come your way.