Surprisingly unique things you didn’t know are covered in your home insurance policy

Home insurance is a complicated policy. Reading and understanding over 30 pages of your policy is not always easy, and that is why you may not catch everything–particularly coverages. Most insurance companies in Cincinnati, OH advise policyholders to focus more on their coverage, limits, deductibles and rates. If you want to know more about your home insurance policy, this post is for you. Here are the unique things you didn’t know about home insurance coverages.

Identity Theft

You could incur very high expenses trying to repair the damage that comes with a stolen identity. You also waste a lot of time and resources getting other things like your credit cards.  Some insurers in Cincinnati OH included identity theft coverage in your home insurance policy which can be helpful to people who are more vulnerable to identity theft.

Plants, Shrubs, Lawns and Outdoor Trees

If you are a landscaper or like planting and creating beautiful gardens in your home, simply call Advantage Insurance Network and add this coverage in your home insurance, as all landscaping elements are covered in home insurance.

Things Not at Your Home

Home insurance covers your personal belongings wherever you go. Whether you go on vacation and lose your valuables or your children lose their laptops at school, or someone broke into your partner’s car and stole their sports gear, home insurance can help replace them.

Food Loss

Sometimes you may have to throw away bad food when there is a power outage or your refrigerator breaks down. Home insurance can pay for the spoiled food caused by a power outage that wasn’t your fault. However, if you deliberately fail to turn on your fridge or pay the electricity bill, home insurance may not cover any losses as it does not cover intentional acts. You also won’t be compensated if your fridge spoiled food due to normal wear and tear.

Home insurance is an interesting policy that takes care of you, your family, your belongings and your home. For more information, policy discussions and other inquiries, feel free to contact Advantage Insurance Network today.

What does a dwelling fire policy cover?

Fire insurance for a dwelling gives the policyholder the advantage of insurance coverage in the event of a fire. This insurance covers several liabilities and physical threats involved with a house fire. 

A fire or dwelling insurance policy affords the homeowner the flexibility options for coverage to guard their important assets. Some of this coverage protects against certain dangers such as fire explosions, fires caused by severe wind or lightning, and even vandals. A dwelling fire policy is dissimilar to regular homeowners insurance because only designated hazards are insured. 

An insurance policy for a dwelling can be written so it not only insures the property inside but also the entire structure.  

In past years, Ohio had a ratio of fatalities related to a fire that was 13.9 to one million. This is one of the highest fatality rates of more than half the states in the entire nation. The National Fire Protection Agency reports ninety-two percent of house fire deaths result from structural fires. 

The damage incurred to a home or other structure that has no sprinklers installed can reach astronomical numbers. Some areas might require additional fire insurance than what is offered in a regular homeowner’s insurance. This insurance would be required to cover items with a higher value than other possessions. You can contact an insurance agent in your area who will go over the policy best for you. This agent will also cover any coverage gaps or lapses that might affect your policy.    

If you live in the Cincinnati, OH area and are looking for dwelling insurance, contact an Advantage Insurance Network agent. Fire insurance in Ohio is not as difficult to obtain as you might have previously been led to believe. Call today, your family, home, loved ones, and valued possessions are worth every penny you spend to insure it. 

Is Home Insurance Required By Law?

If you’re buying your Cincinnati, OH home through a mortgage, you’ll find that insurance is required by the lender. Until it’s paid off, it’s their house, too, so they want to protect their investment.

But suppose you’ve simply been gifted a house, or you inherited it, or you had a nice windfall and you bought it in a single payment. Do you have to get insurance on it?

Legally speaking, no. But it’s not a very good idea to go without protection.

As a homeowner, you will find that there is quite a bit that can go wrong. From storms and fires to random accidents, vandalism, and burglary, your home is the foundation of your whole life, and it is simply a terrible idea not to protect it. So while you are not legally required to carry insurance, you’ll have a hard time finding a homeowner who recommends going without it.

The biggest concern would be a liability. If someone slips on your walkway or your dog bite them, the damages could easily exceed six, seven figures. You might be willing to replace a stolen TV out of pocket, but most of us don’t have a few hundred grand just lying around in case someone is injured on our property.

Fortunately, home insurance in Cincinnati, OH isn’t as expensive as you might think. If you want to get a good deal on a great policy, or if you have any questions you’d like answered, get in touch with Advantage Insurance Network and see what they can do for you.

There’s a lot that can go wrong for a homeowner, so it’s good to know that Advantage Insurance Network has your back.

What is Dwelling Fire Insurance

One of the highlights of a dwelling fire insurance policy is coverage for fire, both inside and outside the property. In most cases, the policy covers fire and a few other emergency disasters – not flood or significant hurricane, damage, but this does vary a bit from region to region. Also, fire damage may not be covered for certain purposes (electric wiring, for example), and other limitations may apply as well. If possible, dwelling fire insurance helps cover losses caused by damaged, collapsed, or destroyed property, and in most cases, the policy limits for fire, smoke, and water damage in Cincinnati, OH are determined on the premises of the property. 

In the event the policyholder is unable to cover any losses, the policyholder is required to file a claim with their insurer. Regardless of the property’s value, the policyholder’s uninsured loss coverage limit applies. If the policyholder’s uninsured loss coverage is not depleted during the insured loss period, all losses are covered under the policyholder’s own deductible. 

Does a dwelling fire insurance policy cover every cause of the insured loss? Contrary to what you might think, dwelling fire policies are not designed to protect against all of the issues related to loss in the home caused by fire. Claims must be investigated and filed in order to protect policyholders. These policies are loosely based on the premise that you are entitled to an adequate level of damages without having to exhaust the other coverage available to you. This is in line with a standard home insurance policy, however, it is a nuanced variation that expands on many of the other coverage options available in standard policies.

Dwelling fire insurance is usually not able to provide protection against losses caused by earthquakes and some other natural calamities, but they do typically provide some protection from hurricane and wind damage. To be sure about what is covered and what is not specific exclusions, and the like, you should check with your local Advantage Insurance Network agent serving Cincinnati, OH to help you decide on the policy that is best for you.

Are All of Your Possessions Covered by Your Homeowner’s Policy?

The agents of Advantage Insurance Network understand Cincinnati, OH residents’ concerns when it comes to having the right amount of homeowners’ insurance to protect their possessions. While most of your possessions will be covered in general, you may have specific items that are significantly more valuable than the others. In this case, those items may need to be insured separately so that you are fully compensated for their loss if they are damaged or stolen.

A Complete Video and Written Inventory of Your Possessions

It’s essential for you to know what you have so that you can be fully covered by your homeowner’s policy. Providing your insurance agent with a complete written inventory of your possessions is the best way to accomplish this. A video is also beneficial because you can record all of the vital numbers associated with each item. The agent will also be able to see each item’s condition and will be able to attach a replacement value so that everything is properly covered.

Antiques, Collectibles, and Other Valuables

Antiques, collectibles, and other valuables like jewelry and family keepsakes, may hold substantial value over and above their general replacement cost. Insuring these items separately will take into account their additional value and provide additional compensation if they are ever lost, damaged, or stolen. In situations like this, it is important that you have each item appraised so that you know its actual value before contacting your insurance agent.

In Cincinnati, OH, the reputable agents of Advantage Insurance Network can help you determine what possessions can be insured under your traditional homeowner’s policy and which ones need to be insured separately. Call or visit their office today so that you can get the insurance coverage you need to feel adequately protected.

What You Should Know About Condo Insurance in Cincinnati

Property owners may choose condos for any number of reasons. Maybe they don’t want to be responsible for yard upkeep or maybe they just don’t need all the extra space that a home could bring. Maybe they want to rent out the property to generate a secured monthly income. But whatever the reason it is that you chose a condo in Cincinnati, OH, you’ll want to look into how condo insurance works for your property and how it can work for you. 

Building Coverage Vs. Condo Coverage 

When you own a condo, you don’t usually own the larger building. So if your condo association has its own coverage, you may assume that you don’t really need condo insurance at all. But the insurance policy owned by the complex may only cover the structure, common areas, and general liability. So if someone breaks into the lobby and steals the TV, their insurance policy will pay for it. But if someone breaks into your condo and steals your TV, you won’t get that same luxury.  

How to Make It Work for You 

Condo insurance will cover not only your things but also events in which you may be deemed liable for the damages. If a guest comes over and trips on an unsecured part of the rug, you could be responsible for paying all of their medical costs. It’s a responsible way to keep not just your things protected from storms, criminals, and fire, but it’s also a good way to avoid potentially costly lawsuits. 

Call Advantage Insurance Network 

If you want to learn more about the policies available in Cincinnati, OH, contact Advantage Insurance Network today. We’re here to help you understand which options are best for your needs and property. 

Who Needs Dwelling Fire Insurance?

Though dwelling fire insurance is often compared to class home insurance, these types of policies are different. Dwelling fire insurance is coverage for properties that are not considered the owners’ primary residence. Besides fire, it also covers hail, lightning, wind, vandalism, and other losses. In order to understand this type of insurance better, you need to know who dwelling fire insurance is for:

  • Owners of vacation properties

 If you have a secondary residence where you do not keep all your expensive and precious possessions, then it makes sense to get dwelling fire insurance for this property instead of traditional home coverage. 

  • Rental properties owners

Whether you have the second house that you rent to someone else, or you are an owner of 30 other rental properties throughout the country, dwelling fire insurance is what your tenants need. This policy will still protect the property itself without the contents inside it. In order to protect their own possessions, tenants will have to carry rental insurance. 

  • Homeowners who are not qualified for home insurance

 If a homeowner has a low credit score, or the property is in poor condition and has past claims, then classic home insurance might be unavailable. In this case, the best option will be to get Owner Occupied Dwelling Fire Insurance. 

Whether you are looking for insurance for your vacation house or rental property, Advantage Insurance Network serving Cincinnati, OH is dedicated to assisting you in your search. The mission of trusting and experienced agents of Advantage Insurance Network is to find the best rates for you based on your budget and needs. If you are a property owner from Cincinnati, OH, do not hesitate to give us a call today for more information. 

3 Ways to Maintain Your Home’s Value

When most people think of their home, they think of their family. You should also think of it as an investment. Maintaining your home’s value is important and should be one of your biggest concerns when it comes to home insurance. In Cincinnati, OH, the agents of Advantage Insurance Network understand that many homeowners put their life savings into their property.  There are several things you can do to help your home maintain its overall value.

Maintain Your Yard

Keep your yard looking nice. This adds to your home’s "curb appeal" and also reduces the risk of injury to anyone who may come onto your property. Keep your grass at a convenient height, remove any weeds or debris, and keep your landscaping looking its best at all times.

Keep Up on Home Maintenance and Repairs

Keep up on all of your home maintenance and repairs. This includes changing your furnace filters and inspecting your home on a regular basis. Check your roof to ensure there are no loose shingles. Repair any cracks to your sidewalks or cement patio. If you see something that needs to be fixed, make the repairs as soon as possible. 

Add a Privacy Fence

Putting up a privacy fence is a great way to keep your home looking its best and also to protect your family and property from unwanted intruders.

The agents of Advantage Insurance Network offer residents who live in the Cincinnati, OH area sound advice when it comes to keeping their property well maintained. They can offer several recommendations on how you can help your home maintain its value through the years. Call and request the information you’re looking for today!

Three mistakes to avoid when you buy flood insurnace

If you are not properly insured in your home against flood damages, a flood could wipe out everything you own. Unfortunately, flood insurance is not included as a standard type of coverage in typical homeowner’s insurance policies, so it needs to be bought separately. 

Those who are in the process of buying flood insurance need to avoid a few severe mistakes to make sure that their property is adequately and efficiently protected against flood damages.

Being unaware of flood probabilities for your property

In order to determine the importance of flood insurance and how much coverage you need, you should be aware of how likely it is that you will experience a flood at your property. 

You can get some help in figuring out your flood risk by using flood zone maps. Learn how to read these maps. The higher your flood risk is, the lower you’ll want your deductible to be and the more coverage you’ll want.

You can also gauge your flood risk by discussing it with neighbors in your community.

Being unaware of the National Flood Insurance Program

If you live in an area where flooding is likely, you may be able to purchase a lower-cost flood insurance policy with the help of the National Flood Insurance Program. This program offers government-subsidized flood insurance coverage for homeowners who are located in high-risk areas. 

Overlooking important coverage types

You need your flood insurance to cover both repair/replacement costs and clean-up costs. You should be aware of the fact that clean-up costs can be among the largest expenses when it comes to flood damage, so check your clean-up cost coverage amounts and make sure they’re high enough. 

Contact us at Advantage Insurance Network if you are a homeowner in Cincinnati, OH who is in need of flood insurance coverage. We’ll be happy to answer your questions or make insurance recommendations for your household. 

Dwelling Fire Insurance: What It Is and What It Can Do

There are a number of threats that could compromise the safety of your Cincinnati, OH home. A customized insurance policy from Advantage Insurance Network is the best way to protect your property from the most likely problems. Dwelling fire insurance is a policy that pays out funds for damages done to the structure of your buildings. What exactly does this coverage provide?

  • Dwelling fire insurance concentrates on the dwelling itself. That means the walls, foundations, flooring, and other elements that are essential to the structural integrity of the unit. It may or may not include plumbing, electrical wiring, or other utility assets.
  • Dwelling fire insurance typically does not cover personal belongings or items that are stored in the damaged building. For this reason, dwelling insurance is not recommended for those who are currently living on the insured property.
  • These policies can be expanded to cover other potential problems like smoke, explosions, and weather-related damage. Like most policies, only the perils specifically named in the contract are covered. Talk to an insurance agent to ensure all of your concerns are met.
  • Due to the lack of coverage on items that are stored in and on the property, dwelling fire insurance doesn’t make a good primary protection policy for residence. However, landlords and those with vacant properties can protect their financial interests with these policies. Any renters on the property should be encouraged to buy their own renter’s insurance policies.

Is dwelling fire insurance the solution for your Cincinnati, OH property? Contact the agents at Advantage Insurance Network for a personalized assessment of your insurance needs.