The Importance of Condo Insurance for First-Time Homebuyers

First-time homebuyers in Cincinnati, OH usually love the idea of buying a condo because they don’t need as much maintenance. As great as condos are, it leaves new homeowners unsure about insurance. Without insurance, the result can devastate homeowners, so it ensures you have the right policy in place is critical.

What Is Condo Insurance?

Like home insurance, condo insurance is made for homeowners. Condo insurance differs from homeowners insurance, so you don’t want to get them mixed up. Condos have a master policy, which is purchased by the condo association and pays for the exterior of the building. Condo insurance only covers your property inside the unit and the interior of the unit itself. It can also offer liability protection.

Why Is Condo Insurance So Important?

Unfortunately, new homeowners forget that condos still need to be insured to be protected. The right policy will protect you from property damage and offer liability coverage should something happen on your property. A good policy, like one from Advantage Insurance Network, will also include payments for temporary living expenses, referred to as loss of use coverage if the condo becomes unhabitable due to these circumstances.

Choosing the Right Condo Insurance Policy

You want to ensure you have the right amount of coverage for your personal property, so here are a few tips to help you make the best choice.

  1. Look at the master policy to know what’s covered and what’s not. That will help you figure out how much coverage you need.
  2. Consider your personal property value so you have the right amount of coverage for your belongings.
  3. Liability coverage can’t be overlooked. If someone is injured in your condo, you want to ensure your policy protects you from a lawsuit.
  4. Compare the deductibles and premiums of different policies to get the best value.
  5. Most insurance companies offer discounts, so ask them about what might be available to you.

The Bottom Line

If you don’t have condo insurance, you could be affected by unexpected financial obstacles. If there is a fire in the building, you need insurance to cover your obligations to the condo association. These can include covering the cost of rebuilding the interior of your unit, not to mention you’ll need to replace your belongings. Having insurance protects you from having to deal with that on your own.

If you’re in Cincinnati, OH, contact us at Advantage Insurance Network for more information or to ask any questions you may have. We’re happy to help!

Top Three Fire Risks in Your Home

A solid home insurance policy is one of the best ways to ensure you always have the resources to provide a safe place to live for you and your family. However, even more important is preventing disaster risks in the first place. At Advantage Insurance Network, serving Cincinnati, OH, and the surrounding areas, we are here to help clients make great choices concerning their homes and safety. Keep reading to learn about the top three fire risks to your home. 

Outdated Wiring 

Older homes with outdated wiring are at an increased risk for fires. Over time the protective coverings on wires can start to wear away. Pests and rodents can also compromise these protective coverings as well. When these protective coverings are compromised, it can lead to sparking and fires. If you have an older home, you should have the wiring evaluated by an electrician for safety. You should also have major electrical components, such as outlets and breaker boxes evaluated as well to ensure they are up to code and in safe working order. 

Unsafe Practices 

Another risk to your home would be unsafe practices or behaviors involving fire or heat. This can include flicking cigarette butts into the yard or trash, leaving candles unattended, poor fireplace safety, improper use of space heaters and electric blankets, and more. Everyone in your home must be well-versed in safe practices concerning these topics and anything involving fire or heat. 

Outdated Heating Systems, Including Fireplaces 

Another considerable fire risk is the heating system of your home. When systems are outdated, your home is put at risk. This includes fireplaces that are not built to modern codes or fireplaces that are not kept properly cleaned. If you have an older heating system, consider upgrades to keep your home safe. 

If you would like to learn about our home insurance services, please contact us at Advantage Insurance Network, serving Cincinnati, OH, and the surrounding areas. 

Six Strange Things Covered by Home Insurance

You probably know the basics of home insurance coverage. However, you may be surprised by some of the things your home insurance policy could cover. Advantage Insurance Network in Cincinnati, OH, offers home insurance policies. We can explain the top six unexpected things covered by home insurance coverage. 

1. Falling Objects

Standard home insurance policies cover falling objects. This includes asteroids and space debris. It also covers "blue ice," which is toilet water flushed from airplanes. 

2. Damage due to Religious Phenonemon 

Damage from religious phenomena is unlikely, but you are covered under your homeowner’s policy. For example, if you have a religious statue that suddenly begins releasing blood or water, and this damages your walls or floor, you are covered. 

3. Damage from Wild Animals 

If a wild animal damages your home, you are covered. For example, if a grizzly bear breaks your window looking for a snack, your policy will cover the damages. 

It’s important to note that wild animals apply to animals that are not considered domesticated and aren’t your pet. 

4. Drone Damage 

Drones have become popular in recent years. However, they can cause damage to other’s property or person.

For example, if you fly your drone into your neighbor’s car, the liability portion of your homeowner’s policy will cover the cost of repairs. 

5. Spoiled Food

If a power outage costs you the food in your fridge, your homeowner’s policy can cover the cost of replacing the food. Most policies offer up to $500 to replace spoiled food items due to a power outage. 

6. Dog Bites 

Dog bites make up about 30% of homeowner’s liability claims. If your puppy bites someone on your property, the policy will cover their medical expenses and civil liability judgments up to the coverage limit.

However, some policies exclude certain dog breeds because they are thought to have a higher risk of aggression. Before getting a dog, you should make sure that you are covered.

Home Insurance with Advantage Insurance Network

Advantage Insurance Network offers home insurance and other policies in Cincinnati, OH. If you need a home policy or would like to know exactly what is covered in your policy, contact us today. 

Four things you shouldn’t assume about condo insurance

You need to purchase condo insurance if you live in a condo in Cincinnati, OH. We can help you meet your condo insurance needs at Advantage Insurance Network.

Unfortunately, Ohio condo owners sometimes make assumptions about condo insurance that are not accurate. The following are four things that you shouldn’t assume about condo insurance. 

You don’t need condo insurance if you have HOA insurance coverage.

HOA insurance coverage will cover the overall structure of the building in which your condo is located.

It’s essential for you to realize that your HOA insurance coverage won’t cover you for what goes on within your individual unit. That’s why you need condo insurance even if you carry HOA insurance coverage. 

A condo insurance policy will cover you for any natural disaster damage.

Condo insurance will only cover you for certain types of natural disaster damage. A standard condo insurance policy won’t usually cover you for flood damage. In many cases, a standard condo insurance policy also won’t cover you for earthquake damage. 

Condo insurance only protects you financially regarding damage to your property.

In addition to protecting your property, condo insurance protects you regarding liability expenses. It’s essential that you don’t underestimate how expensive liability costs can be if you get sued after an injury that occurs within your condo unit. 

It’scostlye to purchase condo insurance.

You shouldn’t worry that condo insurance will be unaffordably expensive. If you shop around, you should find that it’s possible to acquire condo insurance at an affordable cost. 

Contact us at Advantage Insurance Network if you’re in need of a quote on a condo insurance policy. We’re happy to help you adequately insure your condo in Cincinnati, OH. 

Riders You Can Add to Dwelling Fire Insurance

You might think that you’ll only need the minimum dwelling fire insurance since you rent each apartment or flat in the building you own. Still, Advantage Insurance Network would like to suggest a few riders to add to your policy that will help you when the inevitable happens. We can help you customize your policy to protect your real estate investment.

What Typical Dwelling Policies Include

Your renters each carry renter’s insurance as long as you require it in your lease. Their policy only protects their belongings and liability.

Your dwelling policy protects the structure of the building from various perils, including fire, tornado, hail, snowstorm and ice damage, etc. It also offers you liability coverage. The riders you can add increase your coverage to include changes in the home and unexpected municipal issues.

Building code coverage

If your building starts in an up-to-code state, your dwelling coverage pays to repair your damaged house, so it returns to its original state if you file a covered claim. If your home is in a state that’s not up to code, you’ll need to pay the difference out of your pocket – unless you add this rider to your policy. With building code coverage, your insurance pays the extra for you to meet local building codes.

Water backup coverage

Water backup coverage doesn’t cover floods; it covers when the sewer backs up, a drain backs up, or a sump pump fails to function. It covers the damage from the water back up and the clean-up costs.

Identity theft restoration coverage

Although you don’t reside at a home you rent to others, you may occasionally get mail there. That leaves you open to identity theft. Adding ID theft coverage means your policy covers the cost of restoring your identity. With this rider in place, the insurance company reimburses you for legal fees, document mailing costs, and lost wages when you file a valid claim.

Construction/Renovation coverage

A temporary rider for construction or renovation covers your home when you make changes to it to increase curb appeal or remodel the interior. The coverage only lasts while the home undergoes the project.

Contact Advantage Insurance Network

Contact Advantage Insurance Network serving Cincinnati, OH for a dwelling fire insurance review. Let us help you determine which riders best serve your situation and update your policy so you stay fully covered.

What Does Flood Insurance Cover?

If you live in Cincinnati, you know we’re no strangers to severe weather. From flash flooding to the more traditional long-term flooding, it’s always a good idea to be prepared. But what does flood insurance cover? Let’s look.

What Does Flood Insurance in Ohio Cover?

Flood insurance covers the physical structure of your home and any personal belongings damaged by flooding. This can include things like furniture, clothing, and appliances. It’s essential to keep in mind that there are limits to what is covered.

Flood insurance will also typically cover any repairs to your home because of flooding. This can include things like drywall, flooring, and electrical work. Again, it’s important to remember that there may be limits to what is covered. Your Advantage Insurance Network agent can help you understand what is and isn’t covered under your policy.

What Isn’t Covered by Flood Insurance?

While flood insurance will cover some of the damage caused by flooding, there are some things it doesn’t. For example, flood insurance rarely covers the cost of temporary housing if your home is uninhabitable because of flooding. Most policies don’t cover the cost of landscaping or other external features, like pools or decks.

It’s also important to remember that flood insurance has a waiting period before it goes into effect. This waiting period is typically 30 days from purchase. So if you’re in the middle of a storm and need coverage immediately, flood insurance probably doesn’t help you out.

Flooding is always possible here in Cincinnati, OH, so it’s essential to be prepared. While flood insurance won’t cover everything, it can help you recover financially if flooding damages your home or belongings. If you’re considering purchasing flood insurance, talk to an independent insurance agent at Advantage Insurance Network, who can help you find the right policy for your needs.

Four Weird Damages Covered by Home Insurance

Home insurance is designed to protect your home and belongings in the event of damage or theft. But what about the more unusual risks? Did you know that home insurance can also cover damage caused by sinkholes, volcanic eruptions, and even terrorist attacks? Here are four unexpected dangers that your home insurance policy may cover.

1. Cemetery or Gravestone Vandalism

Most people think home insurance protects their property from fires, burglaries, and severe weather.

But did you know that your home insurance policy may also cover cemetery or gravestone vandalism? That’s right – if someone vandalizes a grave in your own cemetery, your home insurance policy could help pay for the repairs. Of course, this coverage is usually only extended to cases of actual vandalism – so if you accidentally damage a gravestone while mowing the lawn, you’re probably out of luck.

But if someone deliberately damages a cemetery monument, your home insurance policy could help to make things right. So, if you’re a cemetery owner, check your policy carefully – you may be protected against more than you realize.

2. Unauthorized and Fraudulent Use of Credit Cards, ATMs, and Debit Cards

It’s a sad fact, but credit card fraud is becoming more common. If you’re a victim of this type of crime, you may wonder if your home insurance will cover the damage. And the answer is yes!

Most home insurance policies cover unauthorized and fraudulent use of credit cards, ATMs, and debit cards. So, if someone uses your card without your permission or you’re a victim of identity theft, you should be covered. Of course, every policy is different, so it’s essential to read your policy carefully to make sure you’re fully protected.

But rest assured, if you’re a victim of credit card fraud, your home insurance should have you covered.

3. Home Damage From Space Debris

It’s not something that we like to think about, but the truth is that our planet is constantly bombarded by space debris. Most of this debris burns up in the atmosphere before it reaches the ground, but occasionally, a piece of space junk will make its way to Earth. And when that happens, it can cause some severe damage.

But don’t worry – if a piece of space debris damages your home, your home insurance should cover the repairs. So, even though it’s a rare event, you can rest assured that you’re protected against it.

4. Damage From Recreational Drones

Drone technology has become more accessible and affordable, and more people are using it for recreational purposes. Unfortunately, these drones can sometimes cause damage, and it’s not always clear who is responsible.

For example, a drone might crash into a window or knock over a piece of property. In some cases, the damage may be covered by home insurance policies. However, because drones are a relatively new technology, many insurers have yet to update their policies to cover this type of damage. As a result, it’s essential to check with your insurer before using a drone on your property. Otherwise, you could be left holding the bill for any damage.

Purchase or Update Your Home Insurance Policy Today

No matter what type of home insurance policy you have, it’s vital to ensure that it’s up to date. The world is constantly changing, and your home insurance policy should change. If you’re looking to purchase or update your home insurance in Cincinnati, OH, Advantage Insurance Network can help. We offer a wide range of home insurance policies so that you can find the perfect one for your needs. Contact us at 513-922-9460 and get started today.

What riders can you add to a condo policy?

At Advantage Insurance Network, serving the Cincinnati, OH metropolitan area, we offer custom condo policies that provide the exact coverage you need. We do this by offering riders that you can add to your policy to cover specific goods in your household.

What is a Rider?

In insurance, the term rider refers to a clause in the policy that provides coverage of a specific item or category of items for an additional cost. Typically, the items covered fall into one of three types:

  • Jewelry
  • Collectibles
  • Specialty or hobby items

These expensive items often exceed the coverage on a condo policy and require extra insurance to protect you from financial loss.

Doesn’t a Condo Policy Cover Property?

Your condo policy does provide some coverage for personal property. This amount covers typical items, like replacing the average person’s wardrobe. If you only own designer duds, you’d need to add a collectibles rider to cover the financial cost of replacing your Prada, Chanel, and Versace threads. Otherwise, you’d get stuck footing the bill for most of your wardrobe replacement.

The typical condo policy offers about ten percent of the condo’s value as personal property coverage. That means that if your condo has a real estate value of $250,000, you’d have about $25,000 of personal property coverage, which might pay to replace one or two items of haute couture clothing.

The personal property coverage covers all of your personal property. That means it would also need to pay for your computer, camera, mobile phone, tablet, TV, etc.

Benefits of Insurance Riders

The most significant benefit of this increased coverage is knowing that your policy replaces your loss. When you add a rider for a piece of jewelry, for example, your $10,000 engagement ring, you know that the policy will cover the purchase cost in case of a loss. You also won’t have to pay a deductible, or the rider will contain a very low deductible, typically less than $100.

Insuring an item or collection using a rider to your condo policy also provides accidental loss coverage while costing you less for the protection. Most insurance policies don’t offer accidental loss or "mysterious disappearance" coverage, which refers to you forgetting the ring in the example, at the gym, or while staying in a hotel. You also save money on the coverage because adding a rider to a condo policy costs less than purchasing a separate jewelry or art collection.

Contact Us Today

Contact Advantage Insurance Network serving the Cincinnati, OH metropolitan area to add a rider to your existing condo policy with us or buy a new one with riders for your expensive belongings. Let us help you protect your financial security.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dwelling Fire Insurance

Do you have a rental property in Cincinnati, OH? You probably need dwelling fire insurance. Also known as landlord insurance, dwelling fire insurance is similar to home insurance, only that it’s suitable for people who own a home and use it for rental purposes.

Want to learn more about dwelling fire insurance? At Advantage Insurance Network, we have prepared a FAQs section to shed more light on this insurance.

Who needs dwelling fire insurance?

As mentioned, dwelling fire insurance is ideal for seasonal, non-occupied homes or homes used as rentals. This policy may also be ideal for homes under construction or low-value homes, including mobile and older homes.

Does dwelling fire insurance cover fire alone?

Unlike its name, the dwelling fire insurance policy doesn’t only cover your home against fire and smoke. This policy, like home insurance, protects your structure against several risks. The difference is that home insurance covers your home against numerous risks with a few exceptions. The dwelling fire insurance covers your home only against perils named in your policy.

What does dwelling fire insurance cover?

Wondering what’s covered by your landlord’s insurance? Here are coverage options included in this policy:

  • Dwelling coverage: This coverage protects your building structure against perils like fire, lightning, falling objects, etc. Dwelling fire coverage will only protect your home against the risks listed in your policy. Always ensure your coverage is against the replacement value of your home, not the market value.
  • Liability coverage: It covers you when accused of bodily injury and property damage liability claims.
  • Other structures: Your dwelling fire coverage protects detached structures like the fence, pool, and wall.

Still have more questions about dwelling fire insurance? Please feel free to contact Advantage Insurance Network for more information about dwelling fire insurance.

5 Questions To Ask Your Home Insurer Before You Buy a Policy

Home insurance is a tricky subject, and it’s easy to get lost in the maze of different policies and discounts. To find the right policy for your particular home, you need to know what questions to ask before you buy. Here are five questions (and their answers) that will help you make an informed decision so that purchasing a policy is one less thing you have to worry about.

1. What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover?

A typical home insurance policy covers damage caused by fires, storms, wind, and hail. It also covers theft and vandalism. Most policies will also cover your personal belongings, such as furniture and clothing, up to a specific limit.

2. How Much Coverage Do I Need?

The amount of coverage you need depends on the value of your home and your personal belongings. It’s a good idea to get an estimate of the replacement cost of your home before you purchase a policy. As for your personal belongings, consider how much it would cost to replace them if they were lost or damaged.

3. What Discounts Are Available?

Many insurers offer discounts for things like having a home security system or being claims-free for a certain period. Some even offer discounts if you purchase your policy online. Be sure to ask about any available discounts so you can save money on your premium.

4. What Is the Claims Process Like?

No one wants to file a claim, but it’s essential to know the process if you need to use your coverage. Find out how long it typically takes to process claims and what documentation you’ll need to provide.

5. What Is Customer Service Like?

You’ll want to make sure you’re working with an insurer with good customer service. Find out what the process is for contacting customer service and see how responsive they are to questions and concerns.

Asking these five questions will help you understand what you’re getting into when you purchase a home insurance policy. Advantage Insurance Network in Cincinnati, OH, can help you find the right policy for your needs to have peace of mind knowing your home is protected. Give us a call today to get started.