Three types of coverage your restaurant and bar insurance policy should include

Restaurant and bar insurance is essential for the owner of a bar/restaurant establishment. If you are the owner of a bar and restaurant, numerous types of coverage should be included in your policy. 

At Advantage Insurance Network, we can provide you with any information you need about the restaurant and bar insurance coverage in Cincinnati, OH. The following are three types of coverage your restaurant and bar insurance policy should include. 

Liability coverage

Liability coverage is probably the most important type of coverage you need your restaurant and bar insurance policy to include. Liability coverage protects your company from financial damages resulting from lawsuits. 

Lawsuits are a substantial financial risk for restaurant and bar establishments since customers at restaurant operations can become injured. Liability coverage as part of your commercial insurance policy protects your company’s financial future. 

Property coverage

Restaurant and bar operations need to invest in a physical location. If the physical building out of which you’re doing business becomes damaged, your company will no longer be able to continue bringing in revenue. 

Property coverage can pay for repair costs if your facility becomes damaged. This type of coverage ensures that you’ll continue to have a physical location where you can do business. 

Workers’ compensation coverage

As a restaurant and bar owner, you inevitably need to have a staff of employees to serve your customers. Restaurant and bar employees could potentially become injured on the job, so you need to carry workers’ compensation coverage as part of your commercial insurance policy. 

We’re happy to assist you when you’re looking to meet your insurance needs as a restaurant/bar owner in Cincinnati, OH. Call or email us today at Advantage Insurance Network.

What comes with my contractors insurance plan in Ohio?

Becoming a contractor can be a great option and career path for those in the Cincinnati, OH area. When you are looking to become a contractor here, you will want to spend time assessing your insurance needs. One great type of coverage to get as a contractor is contractor’s insurance, which offers unique benefits and forms of coverage that can help support your business. 

Contractor Liability Mitigation

One type of coverage you will get when you have a contractor’s insurance plan is contractor liability risk mitigation. If you are a contractor, there is always a chance that you could make a mistake that will lead to a loss for another party. The contractor’s insurance plan will give you coverage and support against the claims if you are liable for damages. 

Protection for Assets

As a contractor, you must invest in various tools and assets to help compete for jobs and run your business. These assets will be necessary to be efficient and serve your clients. Due to this, having protection for your assets is quite important. When you have a contractor’s insurance plan, it will provide coverage if you incur a loss due to theft or damage to your assets. 

Getting an insurance plan for any business in the Cincinnati, OH area is a good idea. When you are looking for contractor insurance, it is smart to start by contacting the agents with Advantage Insurance Network. Many choices need to be made, and Advantage Insurance Network will give you the guidance and support you need. Our insurance professionals will help you evaluate your contracting business and offer great insight as you build a plan. 

Can you buy more than one health policy?

In Cincinnati, OH, most people now obtain health insurance coverage at their workplace. Since the US government started requiring employers to provide health insurance for their full-time employees, the number of uninsured dwindled.

At Advantage Insurance Network, we know the policy still leaves the part-time employees without health insurance coverage. Some full-time employees also want to supplement their health insurance by adding a policy. You can do that through our insurance company.

Supplemental Insurance Isn’t Just for Medicare.

If you’re older or have a parent who’s old enough to qualify for Medicare, you probably know about Parts A through N. A 23-year-old who obtains insurance through full-time employment from the employer can also purchase supplemental health insurance – just not a Medicare plan.

Many types of supplemental health plans exist. Medicare supplemental plans offer one example and an example that many people understand.

Any person can purchase a health insurance plan. Even individuals with a pre-existing condition can buy health insurance. The policies covering those with pre-existing conditions typically cost more, but they provide essential coverage.

You can also purchase a health insurance plan for anyone of any age. Many schools offer student health plans that the parent can buy at a reduced premium rate because so many individuals purchase the plan. The school might purchase a group plan and each student who decides to buy the insurance helps keep the cost low. The student’s parents might want to enhance the coverage offered by that policy, though. For that, they purchase a health insurance policy directly from Advantage Insurance Network.

Contact Us For More Information

In Cincinnati, OH, let Advantage Insurance Network help you obtain the insurance you need to protect your or your family’s health. Call us today.

What riders can you add to a condo policy?

At Advantage Insurance Network, serving the Cincinnati, OH metropolitan area, we offer custom condo policies that provide the exact coverage you need. We do this by offering riders that you can add to your policy to cover specific goods in your household.

What is a Rider?

In insurance, the term rider refers to a clause in the policy that provides coverage of a specific item or category of items for an additional cost. Typically, the items covered fall into one of three types:

  • Jewelry
  • Collectibles
  • Specialty or hobby items

These expensive items often exceed the coverage on a condo policy and require extra insurance to protect you from financial loss.

Doesn’t a Condo Policy Cover Property?

Your condo policy does provide some coverage for personal property. This amount covers typical items, like replacing the average person’s wardrobe. If you only own designer duds, you’d need to add a collectibles rider to cover the financial cost of replacing your Prada, Chanel, and Versace threads. Otherwise, you’d get stuck footing the bill for most of your wardrobe replacement.

The typical condo policy offers about ten percent of the condo’s value as personal property coverage. That means that if your condo has a real estate value of $250,000, you’d have about $25,000 of personal property coverage, which might pay to replace one or two items of haute couture clothing.

The personal property coverage covers all of your personal property. That means it would also need to pay for your computer, camera, mobile phone, tablet, TV, etc.

Benefits of Insurance Riders

The most significant benefit of this increased coverage is knowing that your policy replaces your loss. When you add a rider for a piece of jewelry, for example, your $10,000 engagement ring, you know that the policy will cover the purchase cost in case of a loss. You also won’t have to pay a deductible, or the rider will contain a very low deductible, typically less than $100.

Insuring an item or collection using a rider to your condo policy also provides accidental loss coverage while costing you less for the protection. Most insurance policies don’t offer accidental loss or "mysterious disappearance" coverage, which refers to you forgetting the ring in the example, at the gym, or while staying in a hotel. You also save money on the coverage because adding a rider to a condo policy costs less than purchasing a separate jewelry or art collection.

Contact Us Today

Contact Advantage Insurance Network serving the Cincinnati, OH metropolitan area to add a rider to your existing condo policy with us or buy a new one with riders for your expensive belongings. Let us help you protect your financial security.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dwelling Fire Insurance

Do you have a rental property in Cincinnati, OH? You probably need dwelling fire insurance. Also known as landlord insurance, dwelling fire insurance is similar to home insurance, only that it’s suitable for people who own a home and use it for rental purposes.

Want to learn more about dwelling fire insurance? At Advantage Insurance Network, we have prepared a FAQs section to shed more light on this insurance.

Who needs dwelling fire insurance?

As mentioned, dwelling fire insurance is ideal for seasonal, non-occupied homes or homes used as rentals. This policy may also be ideal for homes under construction or low-value homes, including mobile and older homes.

Does dwelling fire insurance cover fire alone?

Unlike its name, the dwelling fire insurance policy doesn’t only cover your home against fire and smoke. This policy, like home insurance, protects your structure against several risks. The difference is that home insurance covers your home against numerous risks with a few exceptions. The dwelling fire insurance covers your home only against perils named in your policy.

What does dwelling fire insurance cover?

Wondering what’s covered by your landlord’s insurance? Here are coverage options included in this policy:

  • Dwelling coverage: This coverage protects your building structure against perils like fire, lightning, falling objects, etc. Dwelling fire coverage will only protect your home against the risks listed in your policy. Always ensure your coverage is against the replacement value of your home, not the market value.
  • Liability coverage: It covers you when accused of bodily injury and property damage liability claims.
  • Other structures: Your dwelling fire coverage protects detached structures like the fence, pool, and wall.

Still have more questions about dwelling fire insurance? Please feel free to contact Advantage Insurance Network for more information about dwelling fire insurance.

How Much Flood Insurance Do I Need?

If you live in America, you know this country is not a stranger to floods. Floods are the most common natural disaster in the US, causing billions of property damage yearly. Since typical home insurance doesn’t cover flood damage, many Cincinnati, OH homeowners have invested in flood insurance to protect their homes against flooding.

Suppose you have flood insurance, congratulations! But do you have sufficient coverage? Underinsuring your home against floods may catch you off-guard when you least expect it. And because at Advantage Insurance Network, we don’t like to see our clients caught by surprise when filing claims, the post below is a guide on the amount of flood insurance you should purchase.

Satisfy your mortgage requirements

If your home is in a flood zone, your lender requires you to purchase flood insurance to protect your home. Your lender probably requires you to purchase flood insurance equivalent to or higher than the outstanding loan or the cost of rebuilding your home.

Remember that your lender’s requirements may differ from what you need. For instance, if the outstanding loan balance is way below the value of your house, you need to reconsider your flood insurance amount.

How much flood insurance do I need?

Assuming you don’t have a mortgage or want optimal protection for your home, here is the guide to help you purchase sufficient flood insurance.

  • The amount should be enough to rebuild your home: Purchase flood insurance equivalent to your home’s replacement value. This ensures your flood insurance can rebuild your home from the ground up in the worst-case scenario.
  • Your flood insurance should replace all your assets: Set up a home inventory count and value everything in your possession. Buy flood insurance coverage that can replace all your assets if swept by floods.

Still not sure how much flood insurance you need in Cincinnati, OH? No problem. Please get in touch with Advantage Insurance Network for tailor-made advice.

How To Choose The Right Motorcycle Insurance

Ohio is a great state to be a motorcyclist since there are lots of open roads and sceneries that you can discover. However, to enjoy your motorcycle adventures properly, you need motorcycle insurance. At Advantage Insurance Network, we assist motorcyclists in Cincinnati, OH, and beyond figure out their motorcycle insurance matters. Here is a professional guide to choosing the right motorcycle insurance. 

1. Don’t Just Settle for a Basic Insurance policy With low premiums

When it comes to insurance, it’s usually tempting to try and save money by picking a basic policy with low premiums. A basic policy will likely not provide you with sufficient protection to ride with peace of mind as a motorcycle rider. You should consider a motorcycle insurance policy that extensively covers you and your bike if you want sufficient protection. 

2. Confirm Whether the Motorcycle Insurance Policy Has Winter Storage Coverage

Your motorbike likely sits in storage during the winter months. Therefore, it’s critical that you pick a motorcycle insurance policy that has winter storage coverage, also known as layup coverage. This coverage enables you to pause liability and other coverages that are only important when driving until winter is over. Thus, you will be able to pay lower premiums when your bike is in storage during the winter months. 

3. Check the Premium Discount Criterion

Some insurers offer premium discounts for motorcyclists who take a motorcycle safety course, install anti-theft devices, and maintain an outstanding driving record. Check and confirm that the insurer you are considering has a similar premium discount criterion, as it will reduce the cost of the policy. 

Get in Touch With the Agent Serving Cincinnati, OH

At Advantage Insurance Network, we are committed to ensuring that you are well protected when riding your motorcycle across Ohio. Contact the agent serving Cincinnati and book an appointment today.

Debunking Common Boat Insurance Myths

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions when it comes to boat insurance. Some people think it’s a waste of money, while others believe they don’t need it because their boat is "small." This post will debunk some of the most common myths about boat insurance.

Myth 1: Boat Insurance Is a Waste of Money

This is one of the most common myths about boat insurance. Many people think that they don’t need insurance because their boat is small or they don’t use it often. Even if you have a small boat or only use it occasionally, it’s still a good idea to have insurance. Boat insurance can protect you from many different things, including damage to your boat, theft, and liability.

Myth 2: You Don’t Need Boat Insurance When It’s Docked

Another common myth about boat insurance is that you don’t need it when your boat is docked. This is not true. Even when your boat is docked, it’s still susceptible to damage from weather, vandalism, and other risks. Boat insurance can protect you from these risks, even when your boat is not used.

Myth 3: My Homeowners Insurance Will Cover My Boat

This is another myth that a lot of people believe. While it’s true that some homeowners insurance have riders that will cover your boat while it’s on your property, this is not always the case. And even if your homeowner’s insurance does cover your boat, it’s usually for a limited amount. So, it’s still a good idea to have separate boat insurance to make sure you’re fully covered.

Myth 4: Boat Insurance Is Expensive

This is another common myth about boat insurance. Many people think that because boat insurance covers a lot of risks, it must be expensive. However, this is not always the case. Boat insurance rates vary depending on several factors, including the type of boat you have, where you live, and how often you use your boat. So, it’s possible to get affordable boat insurance.

As you can see, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions about boat insurance. However, the truth is that boat insurance can be very beneficial. It can protect you from many different risks, even when your boat is not used. Advantage Insurance Network in Cincinnati, OH can help you find the right boat insurance policy for your needs. Give us a call today to get started.

4 Optional add-ons to a Ohio auto insurance policy

Minimum auto insurance coverage is rarely enough.

Although the Ohio Financial Responsibility Law sets specific auto insurance requirements for all drivers, these only protect against bodily injury and property damage liability. Luckily, you’ve got options.

Advantage Insurance Network can help ensure you’re adequately insured. Located in Cincinnati, OH, the agency offers countless options to minimize your risk and ensure you’re adequately covered. While this isn’t the complete list of available options, Advantage Insurance Network lists four essential auto insurance add-ons.


As the name implies, this provides additional coverage that results from a collision. These benefits can pay for repair costs that result from physical damage, no matter who is determined to be at fault. Although this isn’t required by law, some lenders may mandate collision protection to get a loan.


Any other physical damage to your vehicle is rolled into comprehensive coverage. This includes most non-collision incidents, including vandalism, theft, accidents involving animals, and weather-related damage. When combined with collision, this package of add-ons is often referred to as "full coverage."

Uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage

Unfortunately, not everyone follows the law. If you are involved with another driver who lacks proper or adequate coverage, you may be stuck footing the bill. Uninsured or underinsured motorist protection would kick in. This allows you to make claims with your insurer to supplement repair costs and liability.

Medical payments

Medical payments, also known as first-party benefits, reimburses for medical care regardless of who is at fault. Coverage limits will vary, so it’s important to discuss this with your agent.

Contact an agent serving Cincinnati, OH.

Advantage Insurance Network doesn’t just keep you legal. Most importantly, these make sure you’re adequately protected on the roadways. Inadequate auto insurance can leave you exposed. Schedule an appointment today.

5 Questions To Ask Your Home Insurer Before You Buy a Policy

Home insurance is a tricky subject, and it’s easy to get lost in the maze of different policies and discounts. To find the right policy for your particular home, you need to know what questions to ask before you buy. Here are five questions (and their answers) that will help you make an informed decision so that purchasing a policy is one less thing you have to worry about.

1. What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover?

A typical home insurance policy covers damage caused by fires, storms, wind, and hail. It also covers theft and vandalism. Most policies will also cover your personal belongings, such as furniture and clothing, up to a specific limit.

2. How Much Coverage Do I Need?

The amount of coverage you need depends on the value of your home and your personal belongings. It’s a good idea to get an estimate of the replacement cost of your home before you purchase a policy. As for your personal belongings, consider how much it would cost to replace them if they were lost or damaged.

3. What Discounts Are Available?

Many insurers offer discounts for things like having a home security system or being claims-free for a certain period. Some even offer discounts if you purchase your policy online. Be sure to ask about any available discounts so you can save money on your premium.

4. What Is the Claims Process Like?

No one wants to file a claim, but it’s essential to know the process if you need to use your coverage. Find out how long it typically takes to process claims and what documentation you’ll need to provide.

5. What Is Customer Service Like?

You’ll want to make sure you’re working with an insurer with good customer service. Find out what the process is for contacting customer service and see how responsive they are to questions and concerns.

Asking these five questions will help you understand what you’re getting into when you purchase a home insurance policy. Advantage Insurance Network in Cincinnati, OH, can help you find the right policy for your needs to have peace of mind knowing your home is protected. Give us a call today to get started.