Extend Vehicle Life In Cincinnati

Extending vehicle life in Cincinnati is of the utmost importance. Many people forget to focus on regularly scheduled maintenance for their vehicle and then they end up spending a lot of money down the road in repairs. If you are going to spend the money on a car, you want to extend the life so that you get the maximum value from it. There are some tips that you can follow to ensure that you are doing everything you can to extend its life.

Some of the most important things you want to do include:

  • Schedule oil changes regularly
  • Check tire pressure weekly
  • Don’t run the AC too much

There are plenty of other things that you can do, in addition to the tips above. Observe the speed limit at all times. If you are accelerating quickly and then having to use the brakes, it will use more fuel. With fuel costs rising higher than ever before, you want to make sure you are doing what you can to reduce the cost per gallon.

If you remove a lot of the added weight from your trunk, you can extend the life of your vehicle as well. Many people carry around much more than what they need in the trunk and this can weigh down the car. It can impact acceleration, performance, and even tire wear.

Learn about the maintenance schedule for your vehicle. This will be found within the owner’s manual or you can talk to the mechanic at your local dealership. Bringing your vehicle in for maintenance is critical for overall performance.

Call us today at Advantage Insurance Network to learn more about ways to protect your vehicle. We can help you to find an affordable insurance policy in Ohio and answer any questions that you may have about coverage.


Think You Don’t Need Renters Insurance? Think Again!

Think you don’t need renters insurance? Think again! There are a variety of reasons why people don’t take out the coverage they need, but many of these ideas just aren’t true. Here are a few things to consider about renters insurance.

Your Landlord Isn’t Responsible for Your Belongings

When surveyed, most people who rent a home or apartment mistakenly believed that their landlord was responsible for their personal items in the event of a catastrophe. The truth is that the person (or company) that owns the building where you live is not responsible for your items. This means that you would have to personally pay to replace that flat screen television set you purchased last year and your grandmother’s fine china if there was a theft, fire, weather event, or some other loss scenario.

For many people, replacing every item owned would be a costly endeavor that they just could not afford to do. By having renters insurance, these items are able to be replaced much more easily and cost effectively. Furthermore, many policies even offer a provision that pays for temporary housing while your landlord fixes any damage to your dwelling that makes it impossible to live in.

Renters Insurance is Actually Quite Affordable

One of the biggest fallacies about renters insurance is that it is expensive. In fact, this is the number one reason why many tenants opt to skip this type of coverage. Most policy premiums are only a few dollars a month and many carriers offer additional discounts for pairing it with your auto policy. In fact, in some circumstances, it is actually cheaper to have auto insurance and a renters policy versus just car coverage alone.

To learn more or to receive a no-obligation quote, please contact our team at Advantage Insurance Network today.

Home Cleaning Tips To Help You In Cincinnati

Cleaning your home in Cincinnati doesn’t have to be a time-consuming task. There are a variety of tips that can save you time and money. As you implement these into your daily chores, you will find that it is easier than ever before to clean your home.

Dusting may seem like it’s never ending. When you are dusting fan blades, use an old pillowcase over each blade. The dust will be wiped backwards into the pillowcase so that it doesn’t fall on anything else. When dusting lampshades and various other items, use a lint roller.

Cleaning Hard to Get Stains
When there are greasy prints on your walls, color them with white chalk. Allow them to sit for a few minutes and then wipe off the chalk marks. The grease will go with the chalk. When you have hard water stains on your faucets, fill a sandwich bag with distilled white vinegar and rubber band it onto the faucet. Allow to sit for a few hours and then rinse it off.

Other Tips
You can find plenty of other tips to benefit from as well. Wipe down your flat surface cooktop with car wax so that it’s easier to get grease off in the future. Use shower gel on your bathroom tile to clean up the grout. Use vinegar on your carpets to get stains out, and mist your mattresses with a combination of diluted water and essential oils to sanitize and improve the smell.

Whenever you can use cleaning tips, it will make it easier to keep your home looking great all the time.

Call us at the Advantage Insurance Network today to learn about how to get homeowner’s insurance you can rely on. We’re happy to get you quotes, answer questions, and more.


Stay Safe Behind The Wheel By Being Awake And Alert

Any time that you are driving in Cincinnati, you need to be awake and alert. You may think that these sound like normal responsibilities, though approximately 60% of adult drivers will drive when they are drowsy. 37% will even fall asleep, and this can lead to 100,000 police reported crashes every single year.

The best way to avoid being one of these statistics is to stay safe behind the wheel. Be awake and alert at all times – and there are tips to help you do this.

You should always get a full 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night, and this is recommended by the National Sleep Foundation.

If you are driving down the highway and feel the urge to fall asleep, pull off at a rest area and take a 20 minute nap. If you have a long distance to go still, you may also want to consider checking into a motel or hotel.

Whenever you are going long distances, try and split the driving responsibilities within another licensed driver. You should also plan on taking a break from being behind the wheel approximately every two hours or 100 miles.

If you do feel tired and don’t want to drive, don’t push yourself and risk getting into an accident where injury or death to you or someone else could occur. Ask someone to drive you home, or even call a taxi company. It’s better to spend the money on a taxi then to risk your life on the road.

The roads of Cincinnati, Ohio can be dangerous enough as it is, and you need to make sure to stay safe when you are driving.

Call us at Advantage Insurance Network to learn more about auto insurance. Our agents can get quotes and guide you to the best policy to have in Cincinnati, Ohio.


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Is Your Cincinnati, Ohio Business Insurance Keeping Pace?

We have seen some big changes to Cincinnati, Ohio in recent years. Industry has expanded, retail is growing, and the Riverfront has undergone a facelift. There have been significant changes to our area highways and our sports stadiums. Many areas are rebounding from the recent recession and many businesses are growing and doing well.

If you have a business in the Queen City, is your commercial insurance keeping pace?

You can outgrow your business insurance in many ways. Perhaps you were previously leasing but have decided to purchase a building. Maybe you carry more inventory than you used to. You may have made investments in new machinery, electronics and computers. Maybe overall, you simply have more at stake. All of these can factor in having business insurance that may no longer cover you adequately.

The best solution is having a commercial insurance review. Advantage Insurance Network is an independent insurance agency serving the Cincinnati area. As independent agents, we can review your insurance, no matter who the original underwriter was. If you choose, we can scour multiple insurance providers finding the best coverage for your commercial insurance dollar. If you haven’t had an insurance review in a while, now is the time to contact us.

If you would like to compare rates for your personal insurance, visit our website. Here you can easily get comparative quotes on your homeowners or auto insurance. For a business insurance quote, contact us directly.

We have seen it all in Southwest Ohio. Advantage Insurance Network is proud of our area and our resilience. As we move forward again, make sure your business insurance is keeping up. Contact us for your free, no obligation commercial insurance review. We look forward to talking with you.

Is A Sinking Foundation Something That Could Happen In Cincinnati?

Cincinnati, Ohio is a bustling metropolitan with a lot to offer. Homes can be located within the city or on the outskirts. While some of the homes are older, there has been some new construction as well. Residents can look forward to the ballet, theatre, and a variety of other entertainment options throughout the city.

When you are ready to buy homeowners insurance, you have to know what kind of coverage to be on the lookout for. The standard insurance will protect you against the most common things, such as fire, flood, and burglary.

However, there is the possibility of a sinking foundation. This is when the land around your home gives too much and your foundation starts to collapse. This can affect your porch, the structure of your home, and even create cracks along the walls.

The reason that a sinking foundation occurs varies. Most common reasons include:

– Poor site preparation

– Too much moisture on the land

– Lack of good drainage

Whatever the reason, it is possible to experience such a problem with your home in Cincinnati. This is why it’s recommended that you look for this kind of coverage on a homeowner’s insurance policy. If something like this does happen, you can call the insurance company and file a claim. They will have someone come out to identify what’s going on and get to work on fixing it. All you have to pay is the deductible attached to your policy.

You have to prepare for the unexpected and that’s why homeowner’s insurance is a necessity. You have options and we have agents that will guide you through the process. All you have to do is place the call and we will work to find you the needed coverage in Cincinnati.

Will Homeowner’s Insurance Protect Against Roof Damage?

When you live in Ohio, you’re considered a buckeye. There are many sports teams out of the state, including NFL, NBA, and MLB teams. In addition to sports, there’s a lot of theater, dance, and other forms of entertainment. Fairs and festivals take place year round. With so much to do, it’s no surprise that residents often choose to stay in the state for life.

Having homeowners insurance is a must. You want to protect your home and insurance allows you to do that more effectively. It’s required if you have a mortgage, but even if you own your home free and clear, an insurance policy makes a lot of sense.

If you experience roof damage because of a storm, you’re going to turn to your homeowner’s insurance to pay the claim. The last thing you want to hear is that they are rejecting it because you don’t have that kind of coverage.

Just because you have insurance does not mean they are going to cover everything. Every insurance company is different in terms of what they cover. That means it is up to you to add the coverage that is needed to protect your home to the fullest.

The best thing to do is work with an agent. You want storm protection so that if there’s roof damage, the insurance company pays. We will work to get you that kind of coverage – and get quotes from the multiple insurance companies that work within Ohio.

With multiple quotes comes the ability to see all of your options in a plain and simple way. You can find out who has the best prices and who is going to provide you with the highest level of coverage.

Call us today and let us make sure you have the storm coverage need on your policy in Ohio.

What Happens If I’m Hit In A Parking Lot In Delhi?

Delhi, Ohio is a township located on the west side of Cincinnati. The population is around 30,000, though many people choose to live here because of affordable home prices. In 2014, Delhi was named the 18th safest neighborhood in Ohio.  Further, there is not as much traffic. Plenty of people make the commute and that’s because most of the attractions are within the metropolitan area.

If you get hit in a parking lot in Delhi or anywhere else, you want to know that you are protected. You may or may not find out about the car who actually hit you. Car insurance should be able to take care of the claim, but only if you have the right kind of coverage.

Anytime you buy automobile insurance in Ohio, you want to look at your options. This is why it can be advantageous to work with agents. Our goal is to help you get the best possible coverage in Delhi so you are protected while your car is in a parking lot, on the roads, or even parked in your driveway.

Comprehensive insurance is the additional coverage that you can get on your policy to protect when you’re not behind the wheel. The state of Ohio requires you to have liability insurance, but this is only good for when you’re on the roads. If you’re hit in the parking lot while you’re doing your grocery shopping or a shopping cart hits your side mirror, you will want to file a claim with the automobile insurance and know you’re not going to have to pay.

Make the call today and talk to one of our independent agents. We will help you to get a policy in Delhi so you have peace of mind that you have protection regardless of whether you’re on the road or in a parking lot.

4 Things To Ask Agents About When Getting Quotes In Cincinnati

Many people flock to Cincinnati, Ohio because of the many opportunities for homes as well as small businesses.  When you want to purchase automobile insurance for you and your family, there are some things you need to ask agents when you get quotes.

1. What coverage do I need?

You must meet minimum standards in the state of Ohio, though there are other options that you need to consider as well. You want to look at increasing the liability standards and obtaining comprehensive and collision insurance, too.

2. Is the company reputable?

The insurance company you go with needs to be reputable. They should be known in the state and have a good track record of paying claims in a timely manner. This ensures you never have to wait too long for repairs to be made.

3. What’s the best price?

Ensure you get quotes to get the best price. Comparison shopping is a must so you know what the various premium prices are from the many companies.

4. Am I getting all discounts?

Discounts can be obtained for being a homeowner, a good student, for commuting less than 10 miles, and for being a member of different organizations.

Once you have talked with an agent about automobile insurance in Cincinnati, you can be confident that you are getting the most affordable and most comprehensive policy for your money. As you drive, it’s easy to have peace of mind.

Our agency will help you to get quotes. Call today and let one of our agents guide you through the simple process of buying good automobile insurance.

What is the Average Cost of a Motorcycle Insurance Policy in Delhi, OH?

Anyone who has a motorcycle in the area of Delhi, OH will need to maintain the proper kind of insurance coverage to make sure that they are protected from accidents and damage of all kinds. The average cost of a motorcycle insurance policy varies greatly because the coverage that each individual may choose is different.

Generally speaking, there are a few types of coverage that nearly every motorcycle owner will decide to include in their insurance policy. If you include the following three types of coverage in your insurance policy and choose a deductible that you know you can afford, you will usually be able to get the best average rates for a motorcycle policy.

Liability: This is the insurance meant to cover other people. If you’re the one who caused the damage in an accident, the liability coverage will pay for the damages to any others (but not to your own motorcycle.)

Collision: This type of insurance will pay for repairs to your motorcycle whether you caused the damage or not. The only caveat is that the damage must have been caused by, as the name implies, some kind of collision.

Comprehensive: This coverage pays for motorcycle repairs or damages that don’t fit into the collision category. For example, if your motorcycle was stolen, your comprehensive coverage will pay for the repairs. This coverage can also include other things like vandalism, damage from animals, and weather related damages.

To get the average cost for the type of motorcycle policy you want, it is important that you do some comparison shopping. The Advantage Ins Network can provide you with several different policy choices from leading insurance providers – we give you the tools to choose the rate and policy you want!