How to protect yourself as a condo owner

Are you a condo unit owner in Cincinnati, OH? One of your concerns will be how best to protect your condo unit from weather perils, theft or damage. The smartest to do this would be to have a condo insurance policy as other factors may not be within your control.

What is Condo Insurance?

Condo insurance is cover taken by Condo unit owners to meet the financial obligation in case it is damaged by certain perils such as fire or stolen. The policy covers the interior structure of the unit, liability and loss of use, and owner’s personal liability.

Condo unit owners own a small section of large buildings, making their insurance needs very unique. Finding the right cover for your condo unit is essential. At Advantage Insurance Network, we have the top-rated insurance companies. Our dedicated agents will help find a customized cover that meets your needs.

There are different variations of the condo policy, that is, additional coverage and specialty coverage. All Condo Insurance policies will include

  • General liability coverage-This covers the condo unit from such liabilities as personal injury and bodily damage. Any injuries to third parties within your condo association may sue you for the damages. The general liability coverage caters to the financial obligations of these lawsuits.
  • Property Insurance-This covers your Condo unit and Condo association common areas from fire theft and natural disasters.

In Cincinnati, OH, you may consider having an added cover based on the location of your condo unit and other factors of your property. Condo unit owners insure themselves against any errors that could be made by the condo association through its directors.

A variety of risks need to be evaluated before taking up the condo insurance policy. Our agents at Advantage Insurance Network will guide through the process and ensure you receive value for your money. Please visit the Advantage insurance Network website or give us a call for information!

I’m Young and Healthy, Do I need Health Insurance?

When we’re young, we feel like we’re going to live forever. We have a hard time imagining sickness or even diminishing strength and beauty. However, time sometimes tells a different story. Sometimes tome is not a factor at all. Sickness, accidents, and other unforeseen circumstances can put us in the middle of a situation that may require medical attention. Plus, this attention could be costly. What do you do if you don’t have health insurance and don’t have the money to pay for an expensive procedure or an ongoing condition?

Expect the Unexpected

The Advantage Insurance Network of Cincinnati, OH knows how misleading youth can be when it comes to young people investing in health insurance. This sense of invincibility comes from a lack of experience for the most part. However, life can and does change and sometimes those changes come quicker than we think they will. If you’re in a car accident or develop a chronic illness, the medical treatment required may be extensive and ongoing. Most of us, young and old, don’t have the out of pocket money to pay for these types of medical experiences. 

We ALL Need Health Insurance

Young or old, health insurance makes sense for everyone. Health insurance allows us to practice prevention by visiting a doctor regularly. Even small mishaps and emergencies can be costly, stitches and a broken bone can run us hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Who has the cash for that? Most of us don’t. Many young people may argue that they can’t afford health insurance. However, there are plans and different types of insurance to fit a wide variety of different situations. Honestly, you can’t afford NOT to have health insurance. Living without is is similar to hoping that you’ll never get a cold or cut yourself. Both of these scenarios are probably inevitable.

Invest In Yourself Early

The clear easy answer is yes. Young people need health insurance. Everyone does. The young and the old get sick. The young and the old have accidents and may experience chronic illness. Health insurance acts as a safety net for any health issue, large or small, that may require you to pay for it out of pocket. Give Advantage Insurance Network of Cincinnati, OH a call. We look forward to helping you navigate your health insurance needs.

New condo owner? Why you need condo insurance

With Condo insurance policy, you will be able to protect your condo units while getting personal liability and living expense coverage. This policy is also known as the wall in policy as wall in coverage as they protect your individual unit.

Types of liabilities under condo insurance

  • General liability

The condominium is covered from such liabilities as personal injury and bodily damage. If one was to fall or slip within your property, you can seek compensation from the condo association. This is what makes this policy a necessity while dealing with commercial property.

  • Property Insurance

Under property insurance, your condo is protected from disaster. In instances of fire, natural disaster, and theft, property insurance provides protection to the condo association as well as the unit.

What is covered by the condo insurance policy

  • Building and propertythe condo itself including its walls and fixtures.
  • Personal liability: legal costs from claims and lawsuits against you.
  • Personal property: electronics furniture and other movable goods.
  • Loss assessment: any part of your losses shared out by the condo association.

A condo insurance policy will normally have a list of named policy to be covered. Any peril not captured may not be paid out. At Advantage Insurance Network, Cincinnati OH, additional coverage will be offered to you if more perils need to be covered or where you require a higher limit is desired.

What to consider when taking the condo insurance policy

  • Additional value

It is prudent to consider any additional value-added on the fixtures or construction to have this covered on the policy. Such factors as the renovation of structures may put the overall value of your condo over limit covered.

  • Limit required

When taking a condo insurance policy, consider the limit you would want to be covered. This ensures that in case of any disaster, you receive value proportionate to your losses.

Our professionals at Cincinnati, OH, will support you in getting an appropriate policy for you. Visit our website or call us for more information. 




Can You Still Pay Employees if Your Business is Temporarily Inoperable?

Do you own a business in Cincinnati, OH? Have you experienced time periods where your business was inoperable and you were not able to pay your employees? If so, you are in need of business interruption coverage that is available with commercial insurance. Below is an overview of this coverage and how it can benefit your business. 

What is business interruption coverage? 

This type of coverage refers to your business being closed for reasons out of your control, which impacts the salary of your employees. With this coverage, you are able to still pay them their regular check and maintain your employees. This coverage is available for only certain types of situations. 

It covers the following:

  • Employee wages
  • Taxes
  • Rent
  • Loan payments

This coverage helps your business stay afloat while you are not able to work so that you can jump right back into business upon reopening. 

When can I use this coverage?

Natural disasters that include uncontrollable weather are one of the most common reasons for businesses to utilize this coverage option. This includes winter weather that has removed power from the business or damaged the business to the point of repairs. Accidental fires that were not caused by the business are also situations that would call for this coverage.

However, all of these incidents must be covered initially with commercial property insurance first, as this policy is only supplemental and aids the initial policy. 

Get your coverage today.

At Advantage Insurance Network, we want to see all of our local businesses thrive even in situations out of their control. If you own a business in or around Cincinnati, OH, give us a call today to get the information you need about business interruption coverage and how it can help you. 

Three mistakes to avoid when you buy flood insurnace

If you are not properly insured in your home against flood damages, a flood could wipe out everything you own. Unfortunately, flood insurance is not included as a standard type of coverage in typical homeowner’s insurance policies, so it needs to be bought separately. 

Those who are in the process of buying flood insurance need to avoid a few severe mistakes to make sure that their property is adequately and efficiently protected against flood damages.

Being unaware of flood probabilities for your property

In order to determine the importance of flood insurance and how much coverage you need, you should be aware of how likely it is that you will experience a flood at your property. 

You can get some help in figuring out your flood risk by using flood zone maps. Learn how to read these maps. The higher your flood risk is, the lower you’ll want your deductible to be and the more coverage you’ll want.

You can also gauge your flood risk by discussing it with neighbors in your community.

Being unaware of the National Flood Insurance Program

If you live in an area where flooding is likely, you may be able to purchase a lower-cost flood insurance policy with the help of the National Flood Insurance Program. This program offers government-subsidized flood insurance coverage for homeowners who are located in high-risk areas. 

Overlooking important coverage types

You need your flood insurance to cover both repair/replacement costs and clean-up costs. You should be aware of the fact that clean-up costs can be among the largest expenses when it comes to flood damage, so check your clean-up cost coverage amounts and make sure they’re high enough. 

Contact us at Advantage Insurance Network if you are a homeowner in Cincinnati, OH who is in need of flood insurance coverage. We’ll be happy to answer your questions or make insurance recommendations for your household. 

Dwelling Fire Insurance: What It Is and What It Can Do

There are a number of threats that could compromise the safety of your Cincinnati, OH home. A customized insurance policy from Advantage Insurance Network is the best way to protect your property from the most likely problems. Dwelling fire insurance is a policy that pays out funds for damages done to the structure of your buildings. What exactly does this coverage provide?

  • Dwelling fire insurance concentrates on the dwelling itself. That means the walls, foundations, flooring, and other elements that are essential to the structural integrity of the unit. It may or may not include plumbing, electrical wiring, or other utility assets.
  • Dwelling fire insurance typically does not cover personal belongings or items that are stored in the damaged building. For this reason, dwelling insurance is not recommended for those who are currently living on the insured property.
  • These policies can be expanded to cover other potential problems like smoke, explosions, and weather-related damage. Like most policies, only the perils specifically named in the contract are covered. Talk to an insurance agent to ensure all of your concerns are met.
  • Due to the lack of coverage on items that are stored in and on the property, dwelling fire insurance doesn’t make a good primary protection policy for residence. However, landlords and those with vacant properties can protect their financial interests with these policies. Any renters on the property should be encouraged to buy their own renter’s insurance policies.

Is dwelling fire insurance the solution for your Cincinnati, OH property? Contact the agents at Advantage Insurance Network for a personalized assessment of your insurance needs.

How will motorcycle insurance help someone in Cincinnati?

Owning a motorcycle is a dream that many people have. While most people dream about cruising on an open highway, a motorcycle is also a very important asset and responsibility that needs to be properly protected. For those that are in the Cincinnati, OH area, one of the best ways to do this is through a motorcycle insurance policy. A quality insurance policy for your motorcycle can help someone in several different ways.

Covers Your Asset

If you decide to buy a motorcycle, you may quickly find that it is quite an investment and commitment. The last thing that you would want to happen would be for the motorcycle to be damaged in an accident or stolen and for you to lose it entirely. If you get a motorcycle insurance policy with a full comprehensive and collision coverage component, you will receive coverage for virtually any situation that could cause a loss. This will give you amazing coverage and peace of mind. 

Liability Protection

Anyone that takes a motorcycle out on the open road in Ohio is always taking on the risk that they could cause an accident. In some situations, the damage related to the accident could be significant. Because of this, you will want to make sure that you are properly protected. One of the best ways to do this is by getting a motorcycle insurance policy as it will include liability insurance protection.

When you are looking for a motorcycle insurance policy in Cincinnati, OH, you should contact the Advantage Insurance Network to learn more about your options. Choosing the right policy for your motorcycle can seem complicated. However, the Advantage Insurance Network can give you the guidance that you need to ensure you get the best policy for your situation. 

Why you need boat insurance in Cincinnati, OH

The laws in the state of Ohio, do not require that you carry boat insurance. If you have a loan on your boat, the lender may require that you carry insurance to protect their investment. But what about you? Should you protect your investment if you are not required by law to do so? For help answering this question in Cincinnati, OH you have Advantage Insurance Network. They have friendly staff who can discuss all the many things that go into making a decision about boat insurance. 

Repair or  Replacement

Depending on how much you paid for your boat, you may not be easily able to replace your boat or repair it if it is damaged. If your boat is on your property and is damaged, it may be covered by your home insurance but the coverage will not be as extensive as it would be with a dedicated boat policy. But if your boat is in the water or away from your home, home insurance will not cover it. 


If you have any assets beyond just your boat, liability insurance is something that you need to have. In the event of an accident where there is personal or property damage and you are deemed to be at fault, you could find yourself involved in legal litigation. The result could be catastrophic to your current and your future earnings and assets. Liability insurance on your boat will provide you with the protection that you need for peace of mind. 

Owning a boat comes with lots of things to think about. If you live in Cincinnati, OH or the surrounding area and you are looking for information or to purchase boat insurance why not give Advantage Insurance Network a call or stop by their office for a no-obligation quote. 

Updating Home Insurance After a Renovation

Protecting your home with sufficient homeowner’s insurance is crucial to your home investment. Your homeowner insurance needs will change over time. This is especially true if you have recently completed a renovation on your home. The folks at Advantage Insurance Network strive to make sure your family has the best insurance coverage possible. Keep reading to learn why you should update your homeowner’s coverage after a renovation in Cincinnati, OH and surrounding areas. 

Increased Value

After a home renovation, your home’s value could possibly change. This will affect the types and amounts of coverage you will need. The renovation you have just completed was an investment into your home, and your homeowner’s policy is a way to protect that investment. 

The Size of Your Home Has Increased

Sometimes a renovation will expand the size of your home. If this is the case, then it is imperative that you update your insurance policy to reflect the new dimensions of your home. 

Your Home Now Has New Features

If your renovations added new features to your home, such as extra bathrooms, a swimming pool or other features, you will want to understand how this can affect your homeowner’s insurance. The best way to find out what changes need to be made to your policy is to speak with a trained insurance specialist at Advantage Insurance network. 

If your home is not adequately insured after your renovation, you could find yourself insufficiently covered in the event of damage. The best way to protect your new investment is to update your policy after speaking with a specialist. The Advantage Insurance Network is now serving the Cincinnati, OH area as well as surrounding areas. We would love to help you with your homeowner’s insurance questions today. Please give us a call. 

Will my insurance cover the damages if I lend my car to my friend?

Cincinnati, OH is a great place to drive and there is a  lot to do and see. You know you need insurance to drive legally, but you may not remember all the rules, especially if you’ve been driving for a while.

Once you purchased your auto insurance from  Advantage Insurance Network, you probably didn’t look at your policy again. When your friends ask to borrow your vehicle, you need to know if the damages will be covered if there is an accident. 

The general rule is that the insurance follows the vehicle, not the driver. That means that usually damages are covered no matter who is driving. 

When You’re Not Covered 

There are several circumstances where you probably won’t be covered in the event of a crash:

  • Your friend doesn’t have a legal right to drive. It may seem silly to check your friend’s license status, but you could end up paying if you don’t. 
  • You didn’t give permission to the person driving your vehicle.  For instance, your son could allow a friend to drive your car without your knowledge or permission.  Or you could lend your vehicle to someone who lets someone else drive it.
  • The car was driven recklessly, such as at a very high speed. 
  • The car was used to commit a crime. Insurance companies will want to distance themselves from criminal activities. 

You want to follow the rules driving in Cincinnati, OH, and meeting insurance requirements is one of the most important rules of all. If you want to see if you can find a better policy to suit your needs, or if you have any other questions about your policy, please feel free to call Advantage Insurance Network today.